ITS ION Treasury Dublin, Ireland 1998 Private Global TMS / Daily Cash Management / Cash Flow Forecasting / Treasury Payments / Risk and Control Company description ION Treasury, a division of ION, is the largest provider of Treasury and risk management solutions in the world. With over 1,300 direct clients across six continents, ION Treasury is a powerful community shaping the global Treasury landscape. ION is the only corporate Treasury solution provider that has the financial strength, breadth of products, and commitment to continuous innovation to deliver on Treasury's diverse and changing technology needs. Product description ITS is a Treasury and risk management solution for companies based in Central Europe. With broad and deep capabilities specialized to the region across cash, payments, risk and accounting, ITS meets the needs of Treasury organizations from basic to complex. It is available as an on-premises or cloud solution and implemented by our regional professional services team. Functionalities  Automate multi-bank connections, cash positioning and reconciliation. Control cash positions and payments. Build cash pools, in-house banks or a payment factory;  Manage debt, investments, guarantees, inter-company loans and credit facilities efficiently. Evaluate performance and create reports; 16 TREASURY SOLUTIONS 2019  Mitigate FX, interest rate and commodity exposures. Run value at risk or Cash Flow at risk and other advanced analytics. Automate cash- and hedge accounting;  Be compliant with IAS 39, IFRS 9, IFRS 13, BilMoG and HGB/ UGB as well as EMIR, FinfraG or AWV. Leverage audit controls and security programs;  Use dashboards to visualize data on charts, maps or KPIs and monitor the status of the system and the business processes with the highly configurable Treasury cockpit. Achievements ION is the supplier with the largest portfolio of different Treasury Management Systems covering Treasury needs from corporations up to central banks. “We bring unmatched market leadership and Treasury expertise to help clients transform how they manage their critical financial assets.” ION Treasury. Scan to go to the website ION TREASURY

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