spark Cooperative Support Programme (CSP) Achievements and lessons learnt
The Cooperative Support Programme (CSP) in Rwanda was made possible with funding of the Netherlands Directorate-General for Development Cooperation (DGIS) The Cooperative Support Programme (CSP) in Rwanda was made possible with support from the following partners:
Table of content Chapter • Opening remarks by The Netherlands Embassy in Kigali • Introduction to SPARK • Introduction Cooperative Support Programme (CSP) • CSP Funding and Partners Component A • Access to Markets and Entrepreneurship • Access to Finance • Cooperative Management • Inclusive Leadership and Youth Component B • Agri Business Development Services (Agri BDS) • Closing Remakrs Page 8 12 14 19 22 28 34 40 44 50
Welcome! The reason for making this booklet is to share our lessons learnt in a way that helps all actors in strengthening the cooperatives of Rwanda. If you are working in the agricultural sector in Rwanda, whether you’re an agri business, a service provider, a trader or a processor, or a NGO, we would love for you to share these videos and stories with other cooperatives and their members to encourage them and give them confidence that they can also become commercially viable cooperatives with clear benefits for it’s members. Our lessons learnt provide vital insight into the agri business sector and we highly encourage any policy and programme developers among the readers/ viewers of this booklet to use this information in order to draft policies and (donor) programmes that match the local realities of all value chain actors. Enjoy and get inspired! Marthe Paauwe Country Manager SPARK Rwanda 7
Video - introduction by Pieter Dorst Head of Cooperation at the Netherlands Embassy in Rwanda *Click on the image to play video 8
Preface By Frederique de Man Ambassador for the Netherlands in Rwanda The promotion of inclusive and sustainable growth in the agricultural sector of Rwanda is one of the objectives of the support provided by the embassy of the Netherlands. The aim is to enhance Food Security and Nutrition in the country. A focus on good nutrition continues to be important given the persistently high prevalence of stunting and malnutrition. In the coming years we envisage the development of the horticulture value chain in which we would like to involve Dutch businesses, knowledge institutes and farmer organizations. Developing value chains will generate employment, income and added value, which is essential to make farming attractive as a business for young and old, women and men. Strong farmer organizations and cooperatives play an important role in this, like they have done in many value chains in the Netherlands. SPARK successfully implemented the Cooperative Support Program in the past years which has resulted in almost 100 cooperatives that are stronger and growing, provide better services to their members and are connected with markets and finance institutions. While working with this large number of cooperatives and farmers SPARK did not lose in the capacity building program the focus on the individual farmer. SPARK’s coaches delivered an excellent job! The Netherland’s embassy of the Netherlands would like to see in the coming years the agriculture sector subscribe to enhanced farmer cooperation and private-sector-led development. Thanks to the know-how, technology and access to markets, Dutch companies can make a major contribution to an inclusive agricultural growth in Rwanda. Working together in such a manner, a major achievement would be the eradication of stunting and malnutrition in Rwanda in the next 5 years. 9
spark SPARK develops higher education and entrepreneurship to empower young, ambitious people to lead their conflict affected societies into prosperity. 12
How We Work Private sector development SPARK offers a variety of business and entrepreneurship programmes around the world. We believe that sustainable, economic growth is essential for the alleviation of poverty. By offering private-sector development services young people in conflictaffected regions, to improve their socio-economic status. In doing so, the potential for further conflict is significantly reduced. In terms of business development in fragile states, we are a full-service organisation. We offer a range of options that enable local partner organisations to provide existing SME’s and new entrepreneurs with all the tools they need to flourish. In the past decade, SPARK has set up around ten Business Support Centres in the EU and Africa. Business plan competitions are also often organised, and winners of these competitions receive business skills trainings. Another of the tools we offer is value chain development and access to finance. Finally, we work closely with various governments in fragile states to improve conditions for entrepreneurs and job creators. Access to higher education SPARK is responding to the higher education crisis for Syrian refugees and vulnerable youth residing in Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq/KRG. A lack of opportunities can lead young adults into poverty, radicalisation or to take the dangerous journey to Europe. By offering young people a chance to continue their education in the region, an educated workforce will be available to rebuild Syria once the conflict is over. Scholarships necessary are for offered for rebuilding, e.g. courses Civil Engineering, Childhood Education and Psychology. In the MENA region, SPARK offers three solutions; scholarship packages, language & vocational trainings, and advocacy 13 Our scholarship packages allow vulnerable young people, primarily Syrian refugees, to access higher education in the region. By partnering with local universities, we ensure that successful applicants are automatically offered a place at an institution, without having to further apply. The packages also offer student services, including psychosocial support; economic empowerment courses; and leadership development. In addition to these activities, smaller-scale vocational and language courses are provided. Finally, SPARK encourages hosting governments to introduce regulations for integrating refugees into the educational system. better
Cooperative Support Programme (CSP) *Click on the image to play video Project term Jobs created Volume of food increase reaching the market Rwanda 16 % increase in total value of products 2013-2017 1834 27.70% 21.40 % 16
About CSP The Cooperative Support Programme focuses on building the capacity of 100 cooperatives working in the value chains of maize, beans, Irish pota to and horticulture. This four year programme, funded by the Dutch Embassy in Rwanda, started in May 2013. Through training and coaching the programme enhanced these cooperatives to increase their farms rev enues. The total budget for this programme in Rwanda was €2.1 million. SPARK has developed in-depth training materials (Cooperative Management & Membership, Ac cess to Markets & Entrepreneurship, Access to -internal and external- Finance) for cooperatives, has a cadre of cooperative trainers and coaches who work closely with the cooperatives themselves, and is supporting other or ganisations working on strengthening these value chains and cooperatives. Business Development Services (BDS) is the second component of CSP and specifically focused on the agri-businesses and agri-cooperatives provided by high quality certified agri BDS professionals that are the key to transform Rwanda’s agriculture sector from sub sistence to a commercial viable sector. Component A Access to markets Component B Agri Business Development Services (AGRI BDS) Access to Finance and Entrepreneurship Cooperative Management and Financial Literacy Agri BDS Network Agri BDS Competition Agri BDS Course Independent Agri BDS providers 17
CSP Funding and Partners EKN: The Embassy of the Netherlands in Kigali has provided the funds for the programme and monitored the implementation of the programme through progress reports and programme key performances indicators. The Embassy was closely involved in the development of both components was an active advisor on the programme. RICEM: Facilitated the Agri BDS capacity building trajectory through the agri BDS training course, mentorship and accreditation AgriProFocus: With a Networking mission and expertise, APF had facilitated networking activities for the “Agri BDS Professional Network” (Mobilizations, linkages, strategic and operations kick off support) ICCO Terrafina Microfinance: With its rural financing expertise, ICCO Terrafina Microfinance facilitated the access to finance capacity building trajectory and linkages between cooperatives and micro finance institutions Districts: Through joint action districts forums and district immigration offices, districts have facilitated the local community mobilization activities, and aligning CSP interventions with districts development plans follow up LINE MINISTRIES (MINICOM and MINAGRI): Overall follow up of the program and aligning interventions with national strategic plans for agribusiness and rural entrepreneurship sector development policies and strategies 19
Component A Direct support to cooperatives 20
Access to Markets and Entrepreneurship *Click on the image to play video 22
During CSP implementation, intensive agribusiness trainings, coaching and linkage services to access markets and finance were provided to 99 agriculture cooperatives enrolled in two different cohorts. These services were aimed at strengthening capacities for the target cooperatives to make hem more professional and business competent with maximum benefits to both the market and cooperative members. A large majority of supported cooperatives were engaged in the production and distribution of food products (Maize, Beans, Irish potatoes and horticulture items). The sector becomes efficient when production and transaction costs are reduced and sustained relations ensured with potential clients. Cooperatives have received trainings on entrepreneurship and access to market (and finance) and have gotten support in the areas of market information, quality management, and contract negotiation management. Market identification and risk assessment was identified as a key challenge within target cooperatives. Coaching sessions helped cooperatives to put mechanisms in place to identify different market options at the beginning of every agricultural season and select the best one. Through regular advisory services, SPARK coaches assisted cooperatives to establish Product Regulations, which ensured that produced volumes and qualities meet market demands and standards to honour supply contracts. This will help them understand the quality they need to provide and build longer term, sustainable relations with buyers. FARM-FIRM Tool CSP was able to introduce a number of tools that connected different players in the value chain. For access to finance, those were tools which connected cooperatives and micro finance institutions and when it comes to markets, the Farm-Firm Tool played an important role. The mutual understanding between the farm and the firm was key, as does the titel suggest. Agri/SPARK Coach Cooperative Facilitation of pre-planting contract. These contracts allow farmers to loan money and invest in their production with minimum risk; they know they will sell. contract negotiations & understanding the contract Buyer Facilitation input developing (Processor/trader) to quality (from cooperatives), contracts and train cooperatives on how to meet the demand and requirements of the buyer. 23
Finding markets for seed potatoes COAPOM is a potato seed cooperative located in Cyanika sector, Burera District, Northern province near the Ugandan border. It started in 2009 and has 69 members. Like many newly created organizations, it had some challenges at the beginning and it struggled to find access to markets. COAPOM started working with SPARK in 2013. After a number of training sessions, the cooperative improved its management. It has a storage facility that can hold a great production. Members of the cooperative felt more confident and worked hard to increase production and improve their revenues. “Thanks to proximity coaching, we manage to be connected to new markets and increased our network of buyers”, says Rosalie Dusabimana (photo), deputy chairperson of COAPOM. “We do produce between 30 and 50 tons of potato seed per season and we no longer have a problem of selling them”, she adds. The cooperative managed to get contracts from other cooperatives and local NGOs. Members of the cooperative are proud of what they have learnt.”We are now able to duplicate what we learnt to newly created cooperatives”, said Jeannette Dusengimana, a member of the cooperative. 24
Results in Access to Markets and entrepreneurship 53 out of 99 assisted cooperatives have been linked to institutional buyers 41 out of 99 assisted cooperatives could negotiate and sign supply contracts with foods sourcing companies 14% of the sourcing companies (maize processing companies) are piloting a model to provide services to the cooperatives in order to sustain their business relations and provide more business incentives to the cooperatives 2016 Lessons learnt: institutional buyers have to consider cooperatives as business partners. They should not be considered as beneficiaries of projects, but should be considered as real business entities that have bargaining power and have the mandate to help producers to benefit from the economies of scale. 25
Access to Finance *Click on the image to play video 28
The collaboration with ICCO-Terrafina Microfinance allowed CSP to tap into the unparalleled expertise from ICCO-Terrafina, which has clearly resulted in a increased thrust of Micro Finance Institutions (MFI’s) towards providing finance for the target cooperatives. Some of the significant outputs from this collaboration include the Cooperative Assessment and Management Matrix (CAM), which has become an essential tool for assessing the capacity of cooperatives and identifying the key capacity building needs to make them “finance ready”. Micro Finance Institutes (MFI’s) received training of credit risk assessment to provide loans in agriculture and to producer organizations. The agri-credit assessment tool, the agri-reference card and Cooperative Assessment Matrix were introduced to get better insights into lending to the agriculture sector. Support to MFI’s included; financial product development/refinement. initial market research, product design, training of staff, piloting new products and evaluation of pilots. Cooperatives were trained on the cooperative assessment matrix to assess their own bankability and allowing high-scoring organizations to access finance and receive loans. The combination of appropriate guidance and training to cooperatives by the SPARK team and the tailored risk assessment tools have resulted in improved repayment of loans by cooperatives. MFI’s are interested to continue and expand their loan portfolio for cooperatives. MFI’s received support to mainstream the new products in their systems and manuals. 29
Micro Finance meets Agri Business DUTERIMBERE is one of the Micro Finance Institutions that worked closely with CSP in order to facilitate cooperatives in need of access to finance. Agricultural loans were not usual business of this MFI. CSP initated the first step to connect them with cooperatives. It was not easy for the institution to understand the concept of an agriculture value chain. DUTERIMBERE had to find ways to assess the cooperatives before engaging into a business relation with them. CSP, with the support of TERRAFINA, specific tools, like the cooperative assessment matrix, which allowed them to analyze accordingly. At the end of the process, cooperatives which met the required criteria got a loan. “Generally speaking, cooperatives which got a loan are paying back, and we are so far satisfied with them’ said Ndatebe, a credit officer at the Kayonza branch of the MFI DUTERIMBERE.“ “For example, there is a cooperative that got a loan of RwF 8 million and will soon finish to pay back everything. We are ready to consider granting them another loan if they wish so”, he added. introduced “It is still a risky sector. What we are discussing with them is how the risk can be mitigated”, says Ndatebe. 30
Results in Access to Finance Number of cooperatives and/or (starting/growing) agri-businesses provided with financial services Number of targeted cooperatives that access commercial loans for the first time Tools and Financial products developed Payback rate for cooperatives accessed loans for the first time 108 31 4 100% All mature cooperatives accessed finance and the remaining cooperatives got follow up assistance to access finance in the future. The credit assessment tools; such as the Cooperative Assessment Matrix (CAM) tool for assessing cooperatives and the Agri-Credit Assessment Tool for agri-loans were well received and the MFIs are interested to mainstream this product. Cooperatives are interested in a variety of new loan products ranging from solidarity groups through cooperatives, agri-investment loans for members, marketing loans and leasing products. This would call for product development beyond the scope of the programme. 31
Cooperative Management and Financial Literacy *Click on the image to play video 34
Cooperatives in the CSP programme lacked systems for regular planning, monitoring and evaluation, except for basic, manual book-keeping. In fact, the majority of cooperatives did not optimally adhere to the basic provisions related to financial planning, management and control. They have challenges to prepare budgets to govern their spending. Furthermore, few cooperatives among them prepare regular financial reports and many of them do not have audited financial statements for the preceding year. With the help of SPARK coaches, cooperatives were able to install or reinstate committees, which alowed control mechanisms that resulted in fair elections and investments. These committees allowed for trust to be (re)built and evaluate who is best in which position within the cooperative. Cooperatives were also assisted in developing membership strategies during the Cooperative Support Programme. What is a good incentive to become a member, or may be even more important; to stay one? These strategies will enable cooperatives to stay vibrant and successful long after the programme. Other Strategies that were looked at was how cooperatives could make a socio economic impact for their members. Many cooperatives now offer small loans to help members with emergencies and school fees if needed. Proximity coaching played a big role in the success of improving cooperative management. With coaches on ground, with knowledge of the local realities, guidance could go beyond the scope of a series of trainings and make a real sustainable impact. 35
New doors open for cooperative COAMA is a maize cooperative located in Rugarama sector, Gatsibo District, Eastern province. It started in 2007 and has 125 members (75 men and 50 women). It faced many financial and managerial challenges during the first years of its existence. It experienced cases of mismanagement and there is one former chairman who is embezzlement. being prosecuted for When SPARK started its support in 2015, many members had left and the cooperative was about to close its doors. With dynamic proximity coaching of CSP coach Francis Shyaka, confidence among members returned. Today, the cooperative is back on track. Members who left are coming back, and the management committee is trusted. “We really appreciate how SPARK advised us and helped to build confidence in the cooperative”, says Jean-Bosco Simbavura, chairman of the cooperative. CSP helped in with matters of production and assisted in establishing connections with various buyers. “We also appreciate advocacy actions SPARK carried out in order to connect us to Micro Finance Institutions and to local authorities”, says Jean Bosco. “This contributed to a new image of our cooperative”, he adds. Jacqueline Muteteteri, a member of the cooperative, appreciates the progress so far achieved. She adds that being a member of the cooperative is profitable. She personally got small loans that helped her to cover some emergencies. And she knows she is not the only one. She acquired skills, increased production and bought a piece of land. When the CSP program closes down, the cooperative is set to continue to work in capitalizing past experiences. “We do still need advice, but we are able to continue the good job already done”, Jean Bosco said. “Another challenge is to integrate more young people in the future, as the current members are often older people”, he concluded. 36
*Click on the image to play video Results in Cooperative Management Number of cooperatives’ staff/ members provided with general management & organisation training & coaching Rwanda 1674 Increase in number of cooperatives supplying new products and/or services in selected districts 20 37
Inclusive leadership and youth *Click on the image to play video 40
Youth discovering agriculture and entrepreneurship with CSP Most cooperatives supported by the Cooperative Support Programme have young members. However, in some cooperatives, one may find quite a high number of young people, while in others just a few. Young members often have specific ambitions and are more interested in Agribusiness than in production. According to the fourth population and housing census in 2012, youth in Rwanda constituted 40% of the resident population in 2012, totaling 4.1 million. Looking at a challenging job market, entering the agriculture, and specifically the agri business sector can be more promising than youth might initially think. Pacifique Mukandayisenga is a young girl from cooperative COPROZOV in Burera District, Northern province. She joined the cooperative in 2008. She witnessed all the changes that occurred in the cooperative. At some point, challenges were so hard that many members were demotivated. But she kept at it, hoping that things would change positively. She is an unmarried mother and has one child. She had to struggle in order to have means to bring up her child. “Being a member of the cooperative helped me very much. I got support from my fellow members and I could get small loans when I was in need”, she said. Another positive thing she learnt is the entrepreneurial spirit. In addition to activities within COPROZOV, Pacifique is now a dressmaker. She is able to make a living now. Being a member of the cooperative was also an opportunity for her to discuss with other young people on how to join efforts for the cooperative and at the same time starting small businesses for themselves, so that they can be independent financially. Firmin Dukuzumuremyi is a young man from cooperative COAPOM in Burera District, Northern province. From the knowledge he got from training sessions organized by CSP, he learnt a lot things. “I have now self confidence because I learnt things that can help me in my life”, he said. “I know for example that saving is very important. This helped me to acquire a motor bike and I am currently running a business of a motor bike taxi driver” he added. Firmin explains that young people in the cooperative are helping so that the organization can increase production and get more revenues. They often discuss amongst youth how they can improve their revenues, while continuing and be a full member of the cooperative. 41
Component B Development of Agri Business Development Services
Agri Business Development Services (Agri BDS) *Click on the image to play video 44
Agri BDS is a natural answer to a need that became clear as the Cooperative Support Programme developed over the years. The success of proximity coaching and the demand that coaches were clearly responding to, needed to become sustainable and survive the length of the programme. CSP worked, with partners, towards establishing a viable network of cooperative supporters that offer Agri Business Development Services (Agri BDS) to cooperatives and other Agri SMEs. The capacity building trajectory is considered vital in helping the cooperatives utilize the BDS skills to strengthen the cooperative business and take advantage of emerging opportunities. This component is considered to be SPARK’s anchor for the sustainability of the overall CSP achievements. The objective was to create and enhance the capacity of (Agri) business development organizations, professionals, individuals, agencies and other organizations (interested in) providing support to cooperatives and Agri SMEs. RICEM, a public private Institution, which has the mandate to promote cooperatives management and related services in Rwanda, partnered with SPARK to build this capacity. Today, 33 participants have been trained and now consider themselves independent agri BDS providers. Just as CSP is closing, RICEM obtained accreditation for the course and will continue to offer agri BDS course in the future. CSP also focused on creating an enabling environment and strengthening its capacity to coordinate, promote standards in BDS delivery and harmonize the activities of Agri BDS providers. This effort turned into the Agri BDS network, which is coordinated through a partnership with AgriProfocus (APF). *Click on the image to play video 45
From Coaching to Agri BDS Francis Shyaka (photo below) is one of the 12 former coaches employed by CSP. He was in charge of cooperatives in Gatsibo District and in neighboring districts. He was the one who followed COAMA cooperative and helped it back on its feet. Thanks to his dynamism, he managed to bring back confidence and trust in a struggling organization. He has been trained by CSP to become an Agri BDS provider. He is currently still working for SPARK, but he hopes that his past performance will help him gain access to cooperatives that will accept to pay for his services. Besides the classical training sessions on cooperative and financial management, he convened many meetings with members and tried to convince them that they had a great potential of doing well if they could accept to meet again and discuss. His strategy was to carry out discussions in small groups of 4 or 5 persons and showed them how it was possible to learn lessons from the past and build something new. Thanks to his patience, he managed to bring little by little confidence, and the cooperative started again. COAMA has currently a production of about 500 tons. “My dream is to see it in few years having a production of 2,000 tons and why not 3,000 tons that is stored according to high standards and that has a market”, he concluded. 46
Results in Agri BDS Spark Coaches who became Agri BDS Providers: 11 Certified Agri BDS Providers: 33 Number of Members of Agri BDS Network: 42 Cooperatives and other value chain profit actors (such as buyers) pay for services 47
Closing remarks The Cooperative Support Programme (CSP) followed in the slipstream of SPARK’s entrepreneurship development activities, started in 2011. This initial, 5-year Enterprise Development programme allowed us to establish an important network of Business Development Service (BDS) providers, financial institutions, universities, vocational schools and government agencies and increased our understanding of markets and business opportunities in Rwanda. CSP has benefited significantly from these activities, networks and lessons learned. Now we have reached the end of the program, it is safe to say that in many ways CSP has become unique in its approach. Oscar Nzayirambaho, one of the coaches of SPARK-CSP stated; “when CSP began, many of our cooperatives were commercially less developed than those outside of the programme. However, if you visit the cooperatives now you will see that they are so entrepreneurial, so business orientated! This is the impact of our work.” Oscar’s statement shows why CSP has been effective: donor funding has been used for a market-driven approach, which permeated all activities at different levels. It has helped cooperatives to strengthen their competencies meet market demands, thereby becoming viable enterprises that have created over 667 sustainable jobs in agri-production and business. Quality and quantity of the produce has significantly improved and thereby made an important contribution to the availability of nutritious raw and processed food products. The essence of the programme’s market-driven approach is also visible at the level of the coaches that played a key role in achieving the above results. We are proud of Oscar, and we are proud that the programme has been able to empower him to become a coach and cooperative-consultant with a genuine interest to address problems and opportunities cooperatives find on their way, rather than just prefab training programmes. Many of the CSP coaches have grown into independent and now commercially operating consultants, playing their roles in a business-enabling ecosystem in Rwanda’s agricultural sector. CSP set itself apart by facilitating change within a great variety of cooperatives. Not just the organized and successful cooperatives were selected to be part of the programme, also those on the verge of collapsing got a fair shot at success. SPARK believes strongly in proximity coaching; where a coach who knows the area gets to work side-by-side, long-term, with cooperatives to find local solutions for local problems. This means that we get to provide a lot more guidance than just during training sessions and this is exactly what poor performing cooperatives need. Rebuilding trust and solidarity, and creating an entrepreneurial mind-set within a cooperative takes time and understanding; something which we had thanks to our approach. It has been great to see cooperatives attracting members again and even being able to access financing to invest further! SPARK’s challenge remains in mobilising support for cooperatives, agribusiness as well as business support and financial services to help them grow and generate employment and income for young women and men in urban and rural areas of Rwanda. 50
CSP was funded by the Netherlands Embassy in Rwanda with whom we share a strong believe in the feasibility of a robust agri business sector in Rwanda. ICCO-Terrafina was vital in improving the relationships between Micro Finance Institutions and cooperatives. Finding tools that could reduce risk and at the same time illustrate the potential of the agriculture sector was a challenge, but with their expertise we’ve managed to put the sector on the map. RICEM was our partner in developing the Agri Business Development Course and we couldn’t be more excited about the success of the training and the recent news that RICEM got accreditation for the course; ensuring a sustainable impact and a growing pool of talent in the coming years! Thanks to our partnership with Agri Pro Focus, a Agri BDS network came to life. This network does not just bring like-minded professionals together. The network is a marketing tool that allows Agri BDS providers to respond to tenders and other requests in the sector as a team, offering an answer to specific needs. We are looking forward to see the network and their workload grow. Our ambition is to share this experience and knowledge as indispensable and reusable capital with other stakeholders – and we hope this booklet is part of the proof of that, and in our continued mission in Rwanda and in other countries facing similar challenges. We hope you’ve enjoyed reading and watching, and find inspiration for your own important work! Michel Richter Co-Director SPARK. 51
The Cooperative Support Programme (CSP) in Rwanda was made possible with funding of the Netherlands Directorate-General for Development Cooperation (DGIS) The Cooperative Support Programme (CSP) in Rwanda was made possible with support from the following partners: spark
1 Online Touch