I have to say that I still consider it truly remarkable that the Dutch NOC (NOC*NSF) and the municipality of Rio de Janeiro have cemented a unique partnership in the run-up to the 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games: their joint support for the project Ginásio Experimental Olímpico or GEO, a model for schools that prepare teenagers for life with and through sport. Since 2013, NOC*NSF and the GEO schools have been organising twice-yearly workshops and clinics, in which we ask a former or current Olympic or Paralympic athlete to share their knowledge with the students. In my view, this represents the ultimate embodiment of the Olympic spirit. I visited a great many of these workshops and clinics over the past few years. Wow! It gives me such a kick to see all those glowing faces when among others Marleen Veldhuis, Trinko Gerard Dielessen Secretary General NOC*NSF / Diretor Geral do NOC*NSF Acredito ser algo extraordinário que o NOC*NSF e a prefeitura do Rio de Janeiro tenham estabelecido: essa parceria única durante a preparação para os Jogos Olímpicos e Paralímpicos de 2016. A cidade deu seu total apoio ao projeto GEO (de Ginásio Experimental Olímpico), cujo objetivo é educar adolescentes com e através do esporte. Desde 2013, o NOC*NSF tem organizado oficinas duas vezes por ano (em parceria com as escolas GEO) para as quais convidamos um atleta ou ex-atleta olímpico ou paralímpico para compartilhar seu 6 > GEO project / friendship, respect and excellence Preface / Prefácio
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