Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road (CMR) (1978 - Geneva, 19 May 1956 as amended by Protocol to the CMR, Geneva, 5 July, 1978) receipt by the Secretary-General or, if on that day the Convention has not yet entered into force, at the time of its entry into force. 2. Any country which has made a declaration under the preceding paragraph extending 226 this Convention to any territory for whose international relations it is responsible may denounce the Convention separately in respect of that territory in accordance with the provisions of article 44. Article 47 227 Any dispute between two or more Contracting Parties relating to the interpretation or 228 application of this Convention, which the parties are unable to settle by negotiation or other means may, at the request of any one of the Contracting Parties concerned, be referred for settlement to the International Court of Justice Article 48 229 1. Each Contracting Party may, at the time of signing, ratifying, or acceding to, this 230 Convention, declare that it does not consider itself as bound by article 47 of the Convention. Other Contracting Parties shall not be bound by article 47 in respect of any Contracting Party which has entered such a reservation. 2. Any Contracting Party having entered a reservation as provided for in paragraph 1 231 may at any time withdraw such reservation by notifying the Secretary-General of the United Nations. 3. No other reservation to this Convention shall be permitted. Article 49 1. After this Convention has been in force for three years, any Contracting Party may, 232 233 234 by notification to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, request that a conference be convened for the purpose of reviewing the Convention. The Secretary-General shall notify all Contracting Parties of the request and a review conference shall be convened by the Secretary-General if, within a period of four months following the date of notification by the Secretary General, not less than one-fourth of the Contracting Parties notify him of their concurrence with the request. 2. If a conference is convened in accordance with the preceding paragraph, the 235 Secretary-General shall notify all the Contracting Parties and invite them to submit within a period of three months such proposals as they may wish the Conference to consider. The Secretary-General shall circulate to all Contracting Parties the provisional agenda for the conference together with the texts of such proposals at least three months before the date on which the conference is to meet. 3. The Secretary-General shall invite to any conference convened in accordance with 236 SiSU 19
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