Boeken en artikelen Tijdens het schrijven van dit boek vond ik de volgende boeken en artikelen verhelderend: Abbott, Louis: An Analytical Study of Words. Dallas, TX: Lighthouse Library International (no date) Adams, Arthur P: The Purposes of God and the True Basis of Redemption (a compilation of articles published in the magazine The Spirit of the Word). Windber, PA: Bible Student’s Press, 2010. Adams, Arthur P: The Spirit of the Word (Volume 1) Beverly, MA, 1885. Relevante artikelen: “All Things Are of God”, “We are God’s Workmanship”, “Probation”, “Judgment”, “The Purpose of Evil”, “The Atonement”, “Terminology of the Atonement”, “Why Did Christ Die”, and “The Atonement as Typified in the Law”. Allin, Thomas: Christ Triumphant, or Universalism Asserted as the Hope of the Gospel on the Authority of Reason, the Fathers, and Holy Scripture. Canyon Country, CA: Concordant Publishing Concern, z.j. [reprint of the 9th edition, published in 1890] Andrews, Lewis Feuilleteau Wilson: The “Two Opinions”, or Salvation and Damnation, being an Inquiry into the Truth of Certain Theological Tenets Prevalent in the Year 1837. Macon, GA: published by the author. Anonymus: Der Schöpfung Zweck und Ziel. Konkordanter Verlag, Pforzheim [Konkordante Schriftenreihe] 215
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