Lighting But mostly to create a magical enchanting atmosphere it is very important to engage a good modern light-designer. For this production should not be just “lit”. I want to create really magical situations on stage and for this we will need someone who understands the importance and possibilities of modern instruments and their use. Up to now the majority of the productions of Charkov’s Ballet and Opera have been lit in a very traditionally basic way. This doesn’t allow for the creation of really dreamlike sequences. Moreover I would like to start and end the the opera with a really overwhelming image akin to that used in productions in New York and London (see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7GxQTgxoKM) For this a seasoned designer is needed. It would moreover be a wonderful opportunity for the lighting technicians in Charkov to come in contact with a designer from a complete different school and background. I foresee great advantages for future productions. Alex Brok, my proposed designer has -despite his tender age- worked with many leading stage directors in great houses, creating award winning productions. He worked for The San Francisco Opera on several productions. His Cosi an Tutte at the БолЬшой театр (Bolshoi theater) received golden masks nominations in Moskow. Visit his site at: http://alexbroklichtontwerp.com 25

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