nothing we can hide away, there is no escape, on Laprakod's Day. Did you hear those screams, telling us goodbye, Are you listening closely, they're tearing us apart, on this cold december day. They're tearing off these babies, tearing off all what we built here, between you and me. Nowhere to Run Come away with me, and let us forget about everything, let us hide away and fall, that's better than keep standing here. Take me away, to your shelters, where you have your secret calls. Come away with me, come and let us fall, for everything here is burning. Come away with me, far away from these red seas, show me all those secret places, all what you were hiding for me, or we don't have anything to run to ... * I know of all your tears, I know of all your pains, fragile woven, the clothes you wear everyday. * Golden Yesterday Soldiers rising up today, on this cold december day. I'm frozen like a chocolate soldier, waiting for the bite again. Soldiers, rising up today, they came over the bridge of a frozen yesterday. Waiting for the strike of chocolate, waiting for the big bite. If I fall tomorrow, I always have today, as a golden yesterday. Burning Flowers I must dive, I must get through all these rings of fire, dancing through my mind. I must give away these flowers burning in my garden, they want to go home. They belong to you, in your womb they can grow 4.8 - De Godin Achter de Hel Je zaait wat je oogst is een belangrijk gegeven. Er is geen tovenaar boven ergens in de hemel die daar tussen gaat komen. In die zin is het orthodoxe christendom gevaarlijk, want zij hebben een soort van tovenaar bedacht die ervoor zorgt dat zij rustig kunnen doorzondigen zonder gevolgen. Die tovenaar was dan direct een soort zondebok die alle eventuele nare gevolgen wel zou dragen. Stijfkoppige christenen zijn van dat idee niet af te helpen. Hoe vreemd deze gedachtegang ook is,

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