Dinsdag 31 januari 9.00 de Doelen Jurriaanse Zaal de Doelen Willem Burger Zaal Limelight TR Schouwburg Grote Zaal Pathé 1 Showing Up Kelly Reichardt 13:00 114' Limelight The Blue Caftan Maryam Touzani 13:15 144' Focus: The Shape of Things to Come? Pathé 2 Tiger Competition Pathé 3 100 årstider Giovanni Bucchieri 09:45 127' Sameer Dakxinkumar Bajrange 12:15 157' Tiger Competition Le spectre de Boko Haram Cyrielle Raingou 13:30 106' Limelight A House in Jerusalem Pathé 4 Big Screen Competition Pathé 5 Copenhagen Does Not Exist Martin Skovbjerg 11:00 124' Tiger Competition Pathé 6 SOLO Limelight Pathé 7 Goodbye Stranger Aaron Rookus 09:30 118' Cinerama 1 Nummer achttien Guido van der Werve 10:15 117' Muayad Alayan 13:15 129' Harbour Stiekyt Etienne Fourie 14:30 106' Big Screen Competition Before the Buzzards Arrive Jonás N. Díaz 13:45 122' Focus: The Shape of Things to Come? A Knock on the Door Ranjan Palit 12:30 144' Harbour Blue Jean Georgia Oakley 13:15 103' Limelight Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman Pierre Földes 16:00 134' Harbour Corazonada José Manuel Cravioto 16:15 116' Tiger Competition La Palisiada Cinerama 2 Bright Future Cinerama 3 Harbour Cinerama 5 Under the Hanging Tree Perivi John Katjavivi 09:45 116' Harbour Mayday! May Cinerama 6 day! Mayday! Yonri Revolt 09:30 92' Cinerama 7 Big Screen Competition KINO 1 One Win Shin Yeon-Shick 09:30 146' Bright Future Las demás Alexandra Hyland 13:00 106' Harbour KINO 2 Focus: Judit Elek KINO 3 To Speak the Unspeakable – The Message of Elie Wiesel Judit Elek 09:15 131' Short & Mid-length Terra KINO 4 verzamelprogramma 09:45 96' Killing a Traitor Masoud Kimiai 13:30 146' Ammodo Tiger Short Competition Ammodo Tiger Short Competition 1 verzamelprogramma 12:45 94' Harbour Unidentifi ed Jude Chun 13:15 106' Tiger Competition LantarenVenster 1 Letzter Abend Lukas Nathrath 12:45 117' Harbour Letters Unwritten to Naiyer Masud Shahi A.J 15:45 90' Big Screen Competition Drawing Lots Zaza Khalvashi/ Tamta Khalvashi 16:00 90' Harbour Maryam Badrul Hisham Ismail 16:15 129' Short & Mid-length In Confi dence LantarenVenster 2 verzamelprogramma 16:00 97' Harbour LantarenVenster 3 Limelight LantarenVenster 4 Burning Days Emin Alper 09:30 154' Bright Future Karparaa Vignesh Kumulai 13:00 97' Ammodo Tiger Short Competition LantarenVenster 5 Ammodo Tiger Short Competition 2 verz.programma 12:45 86' Focus: Judit Elek LantarenVenster 6 Art Directions WORM UBIK VR: By the Shore + Kabaret VR: No Place But Here + All Unsaved Progress Will Be Lost diverse slots te boeken tussen 10:30 en 21:45 Awakening Judit Elek 13:15 136' The Long Voyage of the Yellow Bus Júlio Bressane/Rodrigo Lima 16:00 488' Cinema Regained I Want to Live M. Amin 15:45 124' Focus: Judit Elek A Commonplace Story Judit Elek 15:15 130' Focus: Judit Elek After All the Dead Sing Again... Judit Elek 16:45 98' Harbour I morti rimangono con la bocca aperta Fabrizio Ferraro 18:15 110' Cinema Regained In Praise of Rajendra Gour verzamelprogramma 20:00 92' Cinema Regained Revelations and Jest verzamelprogramma 19:00 117' Harbour De noche los gatos son pardos Valentin Merz 21:15 136' Cinema Regained National Anarchist: Lino Brocka Khavn de la Cruz 22:00 106' Cinema Regained Mange ta soupe Mathieu Amalric 18:45 101' La empresa André Siegers 12:00 120' Harbour Drunkard Nursing Home Shuai Zhang 12:45 180' Big Screen Competition Four Little Adults Selma Vilhunen 12:00 127' Harbour I Love You, Beksman Percival Intalan 16:00 133' Cinema Regained Die Herrgottsgrenadiere Anton Kutter 16:30 88' Harbour Let It Ghost Wong Hoi 16:45 106' In hi ko Focus: The Shape of Things to Come? Lords of Lockdown Mihir Fadnavis 17:15 130' Short & Mid-length Growing Pains verzamelprogramma 18:45 93' Tiger Competition Indivision Leïla Kilani 18:30 153' Harbour Because We Have Each Other Sari Braithwaite 20:15 115' Kick-Heart Focus: Yuasa Masaaki Night Is Short, Walk On Girl Yuasa Masaaki 21:45 112' Harbour Another Spring Mladen Kovačević 15:15 95' Philip Sotnychenko 16:30 126' Harbour Suddenly Melisa Önel 17:45 141' Harbour A Light Never Goes Out Anastasia Tsang 18:15 129' Bright Future Vildanden Nadja Ericsson 19:00 106' Cinema Regained Romance at Lung Shan Temple Pai Ko 19:30 104' Limelight Kamli Sarmad Sultan Khoosat 20:00 159' Harbour The Store Ami-Ro Sköld 20:30 169' Harbour Bodyshop Scud 21:30 115' Harbour The Mysterious Affair at Styles Péter Lichter 22:00 91' Bright Future Kissing the Ground You Walked On Heng Fai Hong 16:45 120' Harbour Offi cial Film of the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 Side B Kawase Naomi 19:15 149' Limelight The Boys Chung Ji-young 19:15 150' Focus: Yuasa Masaaki Japan Sinks: 2020 Theatrical Edition Yuasa Masaaki 19:30 157' Harbour Untold Herstory Zero Chou 21:15 138' Harbour Geylang Boi Kwong 21:15 112' Harbour Hand Matsui Daigo 21:45 125' Harbour Pacifi ction Albert Serra 15:45 191' Focus: The Shape of Things to Come? Kali of Emergency Ashish Avikunthak 16:15 105' Harbour Offi cial Film of the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 Side A Kawase Naomi 16:30 146' Big Screen Competition Não Sou Nada – The Nothingness Club Edgar Pêra 17:30 118' Harbour Silent Ghosts Yang Heng 20:00 168' Bright Future Whispering Mountains Jagath Manuwarna 19:30 113' Big Screen Competition My Little Nighttime Secret Natalya Meshchaninova 20:15 116' Tiger Competition Notas sobre un verano Diego Llorente 20:30 109' 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 Limelight Maha Haj 13:00 134' 14.00 Mediterranean Fever 15.00 16.00 17.00 Limelight The Eternal Daughter Joanna Hogg 16:45 102' Big Screen Competition La Sudestada Daniel Casabé/Edgardo Dieleke 16:00 112' Limelight Cairo Conspiracy Tarik Saleh 16:00 152' Tiger Competition Thiiird Karim Kassem 17:00 116' Harbour Faces of Anne Rasiguet Sookkarn/Kongdej Jaturanrasmee 19:00 142' Limelight Aftersun Charlotte Wells 19:45 104' Limelight Saint Omer Alice Diop 20:00 149' Harbour Convenience Story Miki Satoshi 20:30 123' 18.00 19.00 20.00 21.00 22.00 23.00 24.00 21
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