vr 31-1 9.00 Cinerama 3 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 Focus: Through Cinema We Shall Rise! A Phu and His Wife Loc Mai 12:15 78' 14.00 15.00 16.00 Harbour Theatre Nishanth Kalidindi 16:00 118' 17.00 18.00 19.00 Harbour 20.00 Die Ermittlung RP Kahl 19:00 280' 21.00 22.00 23.00 24.00 Focus: Through Cinema We Shall Rise! Cinema Regained Cinerama 4 Focus: Hold Video in Your Hands Directamente Cinerama 5 Limelight KINO 1 Spermageddon Tommy Wirkola/ Rasmus A. Sivertsen 11:00 84' Harbour Kouté vwa Maxime Jean-Baptiste 13:30 82' para video Emilio Silva Torres 15:15 81' Harbour Olivia & the Clouds Tomás Pichardo Espaillat 16:00 106' Harbour Last Song For You Jill Leung 17:30 130' Freedom for Ghana + Law of Baseness verzamelprogramma 19:15 86' Harbour Bokshi Bhargav Saikia 20:30 191' Cossacks in Exile Edgar G. Ulmer 21:30 89' Harbour Harbour An Unfi nished Film Lou Ye 18:30 131' On Falling Laura Carreira 21:30 130' Short & Mid-length Short & Mid-length KINO 3 Focus: Hold Video in Your Hands KINO 4 Be Kind Rewind Michel Gondry 12:30 107' Short & Mid-length DINAMO: Embodiment verzamelprogramma 15:00 90' RTM LantarenVenster 1 RTM RTM LantarenVenster 2 Opening verzamelprogramma 11:30 60' RTM The LantarenVenster 3 Dehumanizing of Things verzamelprogramma 12:30 81' RTM LantarenVenster 4 Fly On The Wall verzamelprogramma 13:30 94' Feis Forever Olivier S. Garcia 12:30 75' RTM RTM Pitch winnaar: Bubbling Baby 14:30 50' RTM Beyond The Veil of Dreams verzamelprogramma 14:00 76' RTM RTM Pitch jubileum verzamelprogramma 14:45 123' RTM Beyond The Frame verzamelprogramma 16:45 94' RTM Shadow Territories verzamelprogramma 20:15 99' RTM RTM Pitch winnaar: Bubbling Baby 23:00 50' RTM Shadow Territories verzamelprogramma 17:45 99' RTM Beyond The Veil of Dreams verzamelprogramma 21:30 76' RTM RTM Talk x Rotterdam Writers’ Room: All good things come in threes 16:15 90' RTM RTM Talk: LantarenVenster 5 RTM LantarenVenster 6 RTM Talk: Expanding Frames - Filmmaking as Research 12:45 90' Art Directions: immersive media Immersive Media: Lacuna + Rave Diverse slots te boeken tussen 14:00 en 21:00 Katoenhuis Art Directions: immersive media Immersive Media: Otherworlds + Revival Roadshow Diverse slots te boeken tussen 14:00 en 21:00 Imagine The City Otherwise 15:00 60' RTM Lens is a Mirror verzamelprogramma 16:00 95' RTM Traffi c Teodora Ana Mihai 17:15 144' RTM Lens is a Mirror verzamelprogramma 19:15 95' RTM Fly On The Wall verzamelprogramma 22:00 94' RTM Setting The Tone verzamelprogramma 16:30 120' All in the Family verzamelprogramma 16:30 101' Drawn & Quartered verzamelprogramma 19:00 102' Focus: Hold Video in Your Hands Tausend Augen Hans-Christoph Blumenberg 21:45 95' Short & Mid-length Harbour Cut the camera! verzamelprogramma 17:15 100' Morlaix Jaime Rosales 20:00 149' RTM RTM Drie dagen vis Peter Hoogendoorn 19:30 110' Feis Forever Olivier S. Garcia 22:15 75' RTM Beyond The Frame verzamelprogramma 21:00 94' RTM RTM The Dehumanizing of Things verzamelprogramma 18:45 81' Setting The Tone verzamelprogramma 21:30 135' Vrijdag 31 januari 30 januari – 9 februari 2025 21
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