ma 3-2 9.00 Cinerama 3 10.00 11.00 12.00 Focus: Hold Video in Your Hands Videokaaran Jagannathan Krishnan 11:30 80' 13.00 14.00 Focus: Katja Raganelli Katja Raganelli meets Valie Export verzamelprogramma 13:45 106' 15.00 16.00 RTM Feis Forever Olivier S. Garcia 16:30 55' Short & Mid-length Cinerama 4 Harbour Cinerama 5 Dead Dog Sarah Francis 09:45 117' Harbour Midnight in Bali Razka Robby Ertanto 12:15 122' Short & Mid-length Girl, so confusing verzamelprogramma 15:00 95' All in the Family verzamelprogramma 17:00 81' 17.00 18.00 19.00 Short & Mid-length Spectral simulacra verzamelprogramma 18:30 96' 20.00 21.00 Harbour Suçuarana Clarissa Campolina/Sérgio Borges 21:30 110' 22.00 23.00 24.00 Limelight Short & Mid-length The Killers Kim Jong-kwan/Roh Deok/Chang Hang-jun/Lee Myung-Se 19:30 124' Harbour Ariel Lois Patiño 18:00 133' Harbour Morichika Ishaan Ghose 21:00 158' Midnight Special 2.0 verzamelprogramma 22:30 73' Harbour Harbour KINO 1 Luna Rosa: La 7ª ascensión de Atabey Omar Rodríguez-López 10:00 132' Short & Mid-length DINAMO: Disembodiment KINO 3 verzamelprogramma 09:45 89' Short & Mid-length Fine Grain verzamelprogramma 12:00 97' Six jours Juan Carlos Medina 13:00 100' Big Screen Competition De idylle Aaron Rookus 16:00 124' Bright Future Possession Street Jack Lai 19:00 120' Harbour John Lilly and the Earth Coincidence Control Offi ce Michael Almereyda/Courtney Stephens 21:30 114' Focus: Timoteus Anggawan Kusno Fantasma, Lacuna, Obscura verzamelprogramma 14:15 84' Focus: Matthew Lax Matthew Lax: Reference material KINO 4 Harbour LantarenVenster 1 Art Direction: fi lms Bloodlines LantarenVenster 2 Amie Siegel 09:30 87' Ghost Trail Jonathan Millet 12:30 111' verzamelprogramma 15:00 98' Focus: Hold Video in Your Hands Videotheek Marco Gyz La Rivière 15:30 121' Short & Mid-length Very superstitious verzamelprogramma 16:15 86' Short & Mid-length Cost of Living verzamelprogramma 18:30 98' Focus: Through Cinema We Shall Rise! Ballad of the Cart Yamamoto Satsuo 21:00 150' Short & Mid-length Bright Future Boys to Men verzamelprogramma 18:00 97' Nyamula Oskar Weimar 20:30 113' Harbour Harbour Grand Tour Miguel Gomes 18:30 134' Eid Yousef Abo Madegem 21:30 115' Short & Mid-length Short & Mid-length Logos/Eros verzamelprogramma 11:45 87' (chosen) FAMILY verzamelprogramma 14:15 93' Focus: Katja Raganelli Katja Raganelli meets Alice Guy verzamelprogramma 16:45 131' Art Direction: fi lms Panorama LantarenVenster 3 Amie Siegel 12:15 75' Short & Mid-length Other bodies verzamelprogramma 15:15 74' Focus: Sergii Masloboishchykov Own Voice Sergii Masloboishchykov 17:30 102' Bright Future 1 Girl Infi nite Lilly Hu 20:30 107' Harbour Balentes Giovanni Columbu 20:15 103' Short & Mid-length Short & Mid-length LantarenVenster 4 Blurring the lines verzamelprogramma 12:00 88' (Un)domesticated verzamelprogramma 14:30 100' Short & Mid-length Eyes & Ears verzamelprogramma 17:00 99' Bright Future Camp d'été Mateo Ybarra 20:45 103' Harbour We Are Aliens LantarenVenster 5 Short & Mid-length LantarenVenster 6 Heritage of Hegemony verzamelprogramma 10:15 87' Ugana Kenichi 13:00 118' Focus: Through Cinema We Shall Rise! Where to? Georges Nasser 15:45 85' Focus: Through Cinema We Shall Rise! A Phu and His Wife Loc Mai 18:15 78' Short & Mid-length On the Move verzamelprogramma 13:45 80' Short & Mid-length Pop, fi zz verzamelprogramma 16:45 71' Harbour Une Langue Universelle Matthew Rankin 19:15 94' Specials WORM Central Station Ceremony Tiger Short Awards 21:00 45' Harbour The Night Is Dark and Colder than the Day Christina Friedrich 21:00 108' Harbour Strandzha Pepa Hristova 21:30 100' Maandag 3 februari 30 januari – 9 februari 2025 27
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