One Humanitas program also invites young students and professionals to live with elderly people for free in exchange for their company. This service provides young people with free housing and amazing stories happen to their host while they enjoy each other’s company. The young people also help the older people in the house or teach them how to use a computer. An interesting story about this experience was told by Jurriën Mentink, a student who lived with an old lady for years. 7 b) Bridge Meadows, United States Bridge Meadows apartment homes is a community in Portland, Oregon where young people without families live with elderly people. The community wants to “change the world - and we’re starting where we live by providing safe, stable and supportive communities for youth in foster care, adoptive parents, and elders.” For this purpose, the community “develops and sustains intergenerational neighborhoods for adoptive families of youth formerly in foster care that promote permanency, community and caring relationships while offering safety and meaningful purpose in the daily lives of older adults”. More information can be found in inDerenda Schubert‘s TED Talk. She is the Executive Director of Bridge Meadows, and she explains how the community creates multiple value for different generations by bringing them together and discusses the importance of intergenerational dialogue. 8 9 c) Les talents d’Alphonse, France The French start-up Les talents d’Alphonse was founded a few years ago and connects the elderly with younger people while taking classes together. For €15, young people can have a private lesson with an “Alphonse,” the teacher. The Alphonses register online to offer their services, such as cooking, guitar playing, gardening, crafting and sewing. Recently, the platform has allowed elderly people to care for children in exchange for money. This service is a solution to the shortage of daycares for young children in France. Les talents d’Alphonse also encourages intergenerational knowledge and helps older people feel useful while teaching younger people a skill for a low price. 113

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