SMART TOOLING PROJECT TEAM Safer and smarter work in maintenance and inspections has been pursued for years in the processing industry. Due to recent developments in robotics, especially the availability of more computing capacity and improved sensors, the realisation of concrete solutions is getting closer and closer. After more and more robotics projects presented themselves, the KicMPi decided in 2016 to take the next step: the development of the Interreg Smart Tooling project. KNOWLEDGE AND INNOVATION CENTRE MAINTENANCE PROCESS INDUSTRY (KICMPI) IS A COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION WITH 65 MEMBERS, CONSISTING OF ASSET OWNERS, MAINTENANCE COMPANIES AND KNOWLEDGE INSTITUTIONS. KICMPI STIMULATES COOPERATION BETWEEN COMPANIES WITH THE AIM OF: INNOVATING MAINTENANCE IN THE PROCESSING INDUSTRY. Project Manager Smart Tooling Jan Mol: "In 2015, KicMPi held several major meetings with asset owners, experts and users in the field of maintenance and inspection. The question was: where could robotics offer a solution for e.g. non-man entry situations and provide more security and efficiency? No less than 56 topics emerged from the meetings, all of which were points of attention that the industry was in need of. INTERREG Discussions with development companies showed that innovation could qualify for European subsidy through Interreg VlaanderenNederland. KicMPi General Manager Pieter Raes: "After an interview at Interreg Vlaanderen-Nederland it soon became clear that our activities were a seamless fit. Innovation is one of the four priority axes in their current programme. The organisation is located in a border. We also work on innovation with relatively 7

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