APPENDIX C Literature and data used This report makes use of the data as was available in the Eurostat, CBS (Statline) and HMD databases at the end of May 2018. [1] CBS data from Statline for 2017: Exposures-to-Risk (P-values); version of 14 May 2018. https://opendata.cbs.nl/statline/#/CBS/nl/dataset/37325/table?ts=1530795309853 Observed Deaths (C-values and D-values); version of 8 May 2018: https://opendata.cbs.nl/statline/#/CBS/nl/dataset/37168/table?ts=1530802763004 [2] Eurostat data (data until 2016): Exposures to Risk (demo_pjan) version of 27 February 2018: http://appsso.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/nui/show.do?dataset=demo_pjan&lang=en Observed Deaths (demo_mager en demo_magec) version of 15 March 2018: http://appsso.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/nui/show.do?dataset=demo_mager&lang=en http://appsso.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/nui/show.do?dataset=demo_magec&lang=en [3] HMD-database: http://www.mortality.org/ The table below shows for each geographical area and each year which data source was used as input for the AG2018 model. The Eurostat data definition for France was changed at the end of 2012: since that time it includes data from overseas territories. This was compensated for by adding the difference between the two definitions as observed in 2012 to the Eurostat data in 2016. GEO Austria Belgium Denmark Finland France (metropolitan) Germany (until 1990 former territory of the FRG) Iceland Ireland Luxembourg Netherlands Norway Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom 2013 HMD HMD HMD6 HMD HMD6 HMD HMD6 HMD HMD HMD6 HMD HMD HMD HMD6 2014 HMD HMD HMD6 HMD HMD6 HMD HMD6 HMD HMD HMD6 HMD HMD HMD HMD6 HMD = Human Mortality Database, protocol v5 HMD6 = Human Mortality Database, protocol v6 EUROS = Eurostat Statline = Statline EUROS = Eurostat, modified Table C1 Sources Projection Table AG2018 Appendix C 49 2015 EUROS HMD HMD6 HMD HMD6 HMD HMD6 EUROS EUROS HMD6 EUROS HMD EUROS HMD6 2016 EUROS EUROS HMD6 EUROS EUROS EUROS HMD6 EUROS EUROS HMD6 EUROS HMD EUROS HMD6 2017 HMD-version 2015.09.02 2016.08.12 2018.04.23 2016.10.07 2017.09.26 2017.03.29 Statline 2018.03.26 2015.11.20 2015.10.19 2018.05.10 2015.08.28 2017.08.28 2016.05.20 2018.05.08

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