Big impact starts small We no longer need to convince every world leader, legislator or consumer how crucial the development of sustainable food production solutions are for a safer, greener future. But that does not mean that our work is done, if anything we’re just getting started. Sharing our knowledge while working closely with experts and growers to develop more sustainable solutions for the horticultural, agricultural and livestock sectors continues to be a fruitful and rewarding process. Horticultural and agricultural practices need to change if we want to provide growing populations with clean and healthy foods in ways that are maintainable for the future. The demand for better, sustainable, safer food production methods continues to increase annually; proof that we are on track towards a more sustainable food chain. Koppert continues to explore the biological solutions hiding in nature, just waiting to be unlocked. We adapt these natural solutions to create accessible, sustainable, productive applications for use in agriculture, horticulture and livestock farming. We want to pass on a healthier planet to future generations. 3
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