René Koppert CEO “ We will continue to create the company’s future together, to safeguard our core values and – above all – to continue to work towards our vision and make a positive impact on agriculture.” Joram Oosthoek CFO “ We need to improve every day! To achieve our ambitious purpose; we need a healthy financial basis and reliable reporting. With our sustainability ambitions, we wish to lead by example in the industry.” Martin Koppert CBO “ Our aim is to increase the success of existing and future microbials and develop new agricultural markets. We wish to have the same impact on the agri sector as we have.” René Ruiter CBO “ Building up a professional customer focused organization where people enjoy working is our aim.” Peter Maes CSO “ It is very important we stay close to our roots and core competence. In this changing world we see a huge potential towards a pesticide-free agriculture. Our role is to drive that movement.” Chief Executive Officer (CEO) René Koppert, Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Joram Oosthoek, Chief Business Officer (CBO) for Agriculture Martin Koppert, CBO for Horticulture René Ruiter, and Chief Strategy Officer, Peter Maes. 67
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