Natupol Natupol Smart Natupol Excel Natupol Booster Tripol Quad Natupol Seeds Natupol Fly Natupol Booster • Active worker bees, viable queen, strongly developed brood • Packaging: patented, environmentally friendly, and weatherproof cardboard box with extra ventilation • To be used for: open field crops with a flowering period of between one and four weeks, such as fruit with pips (apples, pears, kiwis, etc .), stone fruits (plums, cherries, apricots, etc .), soft fruits (strawberries, raspberries, blackberries), cucurbits (melons, pumpkins, courgettes, etc .), seedproducing crops (rapeseed, radishes, onions, etc .) and fodder crops (clover, alfalfa, etc .) Tripol • Active workers, viable queen, developing brood • Packaging: 3 hives enclosed in a weather resistant corrugated plastic outer box with insulation • Target: soft and topfruit crops such as apple, pear, cherry, strawberry, blueberry, raspberry, red currant, kiwi, etc . Quad (Canada and USA) • Active workers, viable queen, developing brood • Packaging: 4 hives enclosed in a weather resistant corrugated plastic outer box For additional information regarding introduction rates, chemical usage, etc. consult your local Koppert representative or visit Important! Only use products that are permitted in your country or state. • Target: open field crops such as blueberry, cranberry, apple, pear, cherry, strawberry, melon, squash, pumpkin, etc . Natupol Seeds • Unrivalled efficiency and reliable pollination for small-scale isolated crops covering 1 to 25 m2 • Packaging: 6 hives in a tray • Target: small-scale isolated crops Natupol Fly • Lucilia sericata • Packaging: pupae in bucket • Used for difficult or very small pollination applications in seed crops Wireless beehome • Wireless remote-controlled system in which the flight holes in the hives can be opened and closed as required Hive support • Pole mounted aluminum shelf for Natupol hive 31
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