PAG NR TITEL 361 Rest in Pieces 362 Stills of the Night 363 Virtual Reality 364 Zapping Away 365 Balance IV 366 Divide II 63 367 Unbalance 368 Settlement I 369 Balance IV 370 Domiciliation 371 Longsited 372 Balance VI 65 373 Horizon I 374 Horizon II 375 Horizon III 376 Horizon O 377 Horizon IV 378 Horizon V 379 Horizon VI 380 Horizon VII 381 Home-Bound I 382 Home-Bound II 383 Home-Bound III 384 Environs I AFMETING MATERIAAL 160 x 120 acryl / doek 140x 200 acryl / doek 110 x 150 acryl / doek 120 x 150 acryl / doek 80 x 90 acryl / doek 160 x 200 acryl / doek 140 x 130 acryl / doek 160 x 115 acryl / doek 60 x 50 acryl / doek 150 x 200 acryl / doek 150 x 200 acryl / doek 80 x 50 acryl / doek 100 x 80 acryl / doek 100 x 80 acryl / doek 100 x 80 acryl / doek 60 x 50 acryl / doek 100 x 80 acryl / doek 100 x 80 acryl / doek 100 x 80 acryl / doek 25 x 30 acryl / doek 150 x 100 acryl / doek 150 x 100 acryl / doek 150 x 100 acryl / doek 80 x 200 acryl / foto 385 Instabiel Landschap (2-luik) II 200 x 250 acryl / foto 386 Environs II 387 Environs I en II (2-luik) 388 Niveau 67 389 Room with no View 390 Aurore 391 Morvan 392 Eté Horizontale 393 Relative Lightness 394 Stacato City 395 Speedy 396 Space Journey Maten in cm - hoogte x breedte 120 x 200 acryl / foto 200 x 200 acryl / foto 100 x 150 acryl / foto 130 x 80 acryl / doek 150 x 140 acryl / doek 115 x 160 acryl / doek 115 x 160 acryl / doek 40 x 180 acryl / doek 40 x 180 acryl / foto 40 x 180 acryl / foto 40 x 180 acryl / foto JAAR 1994 1993 1993 1993 1993 1994 PAG NR TITEL 397 Speedway 398 Boom-Town 399 Dynamite Harbours 400 Out-Look 401 Z.T. 402 Z.T. 1994 69 403 Z.T. 1996 1994 1995 1995 1994 2002 2002 2002 2012 1994 2001 1996 1996 1996 2002 2002 2009 2009 2003 2004 2004 2006 2003 2010 2003 2013 404 Safe City 405 Eiland II 406 Colorscape 407 Footprint 408 x 409 House 410 Cyber-House 411 Sub-Urb 2001 71 415 Pop Art 1997 416 Archief 417 Tomorrow 418 Today 419 Common Earth 420 x 421 Pink Harbour / Terminal 422 Banlieu I en II (2-luik) 2x 412 Cyber City 413 Party of Life 414 Pop Up AFMETING MATERIAAL 20 x 30 acryl / foto 40 x 40 mixed media 25 x 35 mixed media 40 x 50 mixed media 90 x 45 mixed media 35 x 50 mixed media 45 x 30 mixed media 30 x 20 mixed media 130 x 200 mixed media 40 x 180 mixed media 40 x 40 mixed media 24 x 35 mixed media 30 x 42 fotorepro 24 x 25 mixed media 20 x 20 foto / papier 35 x 55 mixed media 100 x 80 mixed media 100 x 80 mixed media 45 x 30 mixed media 35 x 40 mixed media 35 x 40 mixed media 100 x 80 mixed media 85 x 180 mixed media 180 x 40 mixed media 423 Urban Night & Day (3-luik) 3x 40 x 180 mixed media 424 Urban Love & Danger (3-luik) 3x 40 x 180 mixed media 425 Uptown – Downtown 426 Metroland 2004 73 427 Futureland 428 Technoland 429 Variabel / Stabiel 430 Clusters 431 Suburbs 432 Acceleration 150 x 200 mixed media 100 x 150 mixed media 120 x 170 mixed media 100 x 150 mixed media 150 x 200 mixed media 150 x 100 mixed media 150 x 100 mixed media 80 x 110 mixed media JAAR 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2013 2010 2003 2017 2009 2009 2009 2009 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2018 2012 2010 2010 2012 2012 2015 2010 2015 2013 2013 2013 2021

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