C2FO C2FO Private 2008 Leawood, Kansas, USA Global Finance / Daily Cash Management / Working Capital Solutions / Short-term Investment, funding Company description We are the world’s market for working capital and we connect companies that need cash with companies that have cash. By bringing together suppliers and buyers in their own unique market place, suppliers can offer a discount they choose, in exchange for early payment of their approved invoices. This way, suppliers take control of Cash Flow while buyers earn a no-risk return on short-term cash and improve their bottom line as well as their supply chain health. The multicurrency and truly-global C2FO solution helps free trapped cash, fostering innovation and economic growth. Product description With C2FO, buyers and suppliers dynamically negotiate rates for accelerated invoice payment in real time. Buyers set their optimal rate of return, improving yield on cash and short-term investments, and ultimately increasing EBITDA and EPS. The C2FO marketplace is a profitable alternative to low or negative interest on deposits for buyers, who can de-risk their supply chain and still maintain complete control over supplier relationships. Functionalities Quick set-up: our solution can be implemented globally in weeks, even for complex multi-national environments. Easy ERP integration: our early payment platform doesn't change existing invoice processing between buyers and suppliers. Only the payment date and the amount are modified in the ERP system, when invoices are awarded early payment. Buyers still pay suppliers directly, only faster. Best-in-class ongoing support: we provide in-region, multilingual supplier support teams that offer both financial and technical expertise, via phone, email and chat. We also provide market optimisation services for buyers if needed. Achievements Since our first transaction in May 2010, C2FO has generated more than $150 billion in working capital flow volume and more than 525 million days of accelerated payment. At the end of 2017, C2FO reached a key milestone, providing $1B of funding per week to businesses in more than 100 countries, making C2FO the largest non-bank provider of working capital in the world. By 2021, C2FO is forecasting $1B in funding per day. 99.5% of C2FO’s customers say that C2FO is their lowest cost and most convenient source of working capital. “We continue to deliver tremendous value to our global corporate buyer customers while helping their suppliers access working capital at a fair price.” Sandy Kemper, CEO and Founder of C2FO. Scan to go to the website UPDATES & TRENDS 59 C2FO
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