DUTCH INSURANCE COMPANY DE GOUDSE VERZEKERINGEN PREFERS COBASE Companies that hold accounts with multiple banks face many inefficiencies. They are forced to use a different banking portal to interact with each of their banks and other financial service providers, and often they must maintain multiple ERP connections. The more banks and accounts a company has, the more complicated things become. Cobase offers a solution. The multibanking platform gives companies a single point of access to all their bank accounts and other financial products and services at many different banks. With Cobase, companies can efficiently manage all those accounts on one single platform via a portal or via an ERP connection. The most important features of Cobase are connectivity with many different banks, a central payment hub, Cash Management and Treasury modules. Users and authorisation schemes can be managed centrally for all subsidiaries or departments, and only one security token is needed for each user. De Goudse Verzekeringen Cobase strongly beliefs that co-creation will lead to the best possible customer experience and solutions. De Goudse Verzekeringen is one of the early adaptors of the Cobase platform. Mirjam Pols, de Goudse Verzekeringen: ‘We have supported Cobase in developing their product from an early 66 TREASURY SOLUTIONS 2019 stage in a co-creation model, to define functionality but also including contracts and supporting processes. They understand the challenges we face in working with multiple banks, they listen to our needs and are very responsive when we come up with points for improvement or ideas for new features.’
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