Climate CARBON FOOTPRINT ROYAL LEMKES 2,000 100,000,000 1,500 75,000,000 1,000 500 0 2015 2016 Number of plants 2017 2018 2019 Tonnes of CO2 2020 equivalent 2021 2022 50,000,000 25,000,000 0 Climate strategy roadmap Reduction in use of resources and reduction in CO2 during production processes Royal Lemkes 100% climate neutral (scopes 1 and 2) with compensation 2022 Internal and external communication of climate strategy and FloriPEFCR to colleagues, customers, suppliers and carriers Request to suppliers to calculate footprint and formulate reduction plan Resources Develop standard together with the sector for a total supply chain footprint (FloriPEFCR proof) 2023 Expand Royal Lemkes footprint calculation (scope 3 and new location) 2030 Positive plants Royal Lemkes is 2024 100% climate-neutral business operations Royal Lemkes (scopes 1, 2 and 3) Scope 1: Gas and business travel Scope 2: Electricity Scope 3: (Air)travel, waste, packaging (procurement RL), catering, office and commuter travel Top 100 suppliers have calculated PEF, OFF and reduction plans All carriers have calculated footprints and reduction plans Impact measurement of company investments and decisions operating in a 100% climate-neutral supply chain (with compensation) Biodiversity 2025 Royal Lemkes is 100% climate neutral (scopes 1, 2 and 3) with minimal compensation All suppliers have calculated OEFs (FloriPEFCR proof) and reduction plans CO2-emission reduction Abbreviations: PEF: Product Environmental Footprint OEF: Organisational Environmental Footprint RL: Royal Lemkes Flori PEFCR: Flori Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules throughout the entire supply chain, from cultivation to transport and resource usage Climate Absorption and capture of CO2 , development of resilient plants and protection of genetic diversity Working and living environments Working conditions emissions Number of plants supplied per year

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