SUBSTRATE STRATEGY ROADMAP 95-100% alternatives used for growing media 2022 Communicate substrate strategy Baseline measurement Share knowledge Analysis and define action plan with suppliers 2023 2025 100% substrates with responsible production certifications 50% peat with RPP (Responsibly Produced Peat) certification 50% alternatives used for growing media 2030 Positive plants 100% peat with RPP certification 75% alternatives used for growing media Substrate Substrate can include peat, coir, rock wool, gravel and sand. Peat is a finite resource and emits high levels of CO2 during extraction and processing. Peat extraction also has a detrimental impact on biodiversity. In collaboration with Kingfisher, we have embarked on a programme to offer a peat-free range of indoor and garden plants by 1 January 2026. Other customers also have targets for a peat-free range. Many growers are conducting trials with peat-free cultivation, and some have already introduced this in practice.

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