Financial results Past 2023 marked another challenging year for Royal Lemkes. Instead of the hoped-for growth, our revenue dropped slightly due to the difficult market conditions experienced by several of our customers. We ended the year with a revenue of more than €275 million. By looking closely at our cost pattern, we managed to achieve operational efficiencies. Thanks to the efforts of our employees, new IT applications and the use of robotics, our operational processes have become much more efficient. Present Overall, we ended 2023 with a positive result and maintained solvency. The final figures will be published through the usual channels later this year. Future Our expectation is that revenue will pick up again in 2024. We will also continue full steam ahead with process optimisation throughout the organisation and supply chain. Royal Lemkes has a solid financial foundation. Through continuous improvement, innovation and investment, we will remain fit for the future. Revenue development 100 150 200 250 300 350 50 0 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 We closed the year with a positive result, continuing a trend that has remained stable for many years. €288 €288 €249 €249 €222 €265 €309 €307 €275 Net revenue in € million

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