Digital Business intelligence Reliable forecasting makes our processes more efficient. But seasonal peaks and external factors such as the weather make it difficult for the floriculture sector to make truly accurate forecasts. BI provides the solution. Royal Lemkes has a lot of historical information at its disposal, but translating this huge amount of valuable data to create useful business insights is a genuine skill. Diver, our BI platform, does this by generating reports for buyers and account managers as well as suppliers and customers. With all information available in a single system, we can assess performance data across the entire chain. This allows both ourselves and our partners to identify areas where greater efficiency may be achieved. Thanks to BI, we can keep pursuing sustainable growth together. ERP system We always strive to optimise performance, scalability and flexibility to benefit our retail partners. Every efficiency step we take with technology translates into a competitive edge for our customers. One way we have added value is by developing our own ERP system, GS Next. The system automates and connects business processes both inside and outside our organisation. By developing GS Next in-house with the OutSystems lowcode platform, we can continue to respond flexibly to customer requirements. Artificial intelligence In 2024, we are intensifying our focus on technology. In addition to investing in IT, BI and robotics, we are also exploring what AI can do for our business model. It is still unclear what the long-term impact of AI will be, but it is patently clear that the world will change rapidly as a result of this technology. Watch the video on BI for Jumbo

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