HOR’ S NOTE Girl And The Shark is a work of fiction. It was born of my ination with the silent depths of the sea, its creatures, and passion for language. In this story I have tried to verbalize nguage that has no words, that lies behind the eyes, solemn mysterious. I could not have written this story without the generous port of Cristina Zenato, a girl who does exist, and who saved lives of many sharks. The red wooden box in this story is s. The sharks described, including their names, are hers. could I have written this story without the existence of larger community of shark conservationists whose work, nness and intelligence I’ve come to admire so much. my hope that this little story will help contribute to their at cause, which truly should be one that is close to all of our rts, as our very existence depends on it. hie van der Stap 2019

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