Long Live Love is a Soa Aids Nederland/Rutgers product Product development Suzanne Meijer and Lisette Schutte, Soa Aids Nederland Writers Suzanne Meijer and Marieke van den Borne, Soa Aids Nederland | Laura van Lee, Rutgers In cooperation with Hanneke Roosjen, Jos Poelman and Jolijn Polet, Soa Aids Nederland | Ineke van der Vlugt and Marianne Cense, Rutgers | Anita Watzeels, Mireille Wolfers and Marja de Koster, GGD Rotterdam-Rijnmond | Fraukje Mevissen and Gerjo Kok, Maastricht University | Wilco Schilthuis, GGD Amsterdam In memory ofHerman Schaalma With special thanks to Mahshid Borghei, Mounir Ben Tarraf, Rasjot de Boer, Eva Sugeng, Lynn Werlich Rosa van Iterson and Mees Bink All the schools, teachers and students Copy editing Annemies Gort Graphic design Ontwerphaven, Suzanne Hertogs and Anne de Laat Comic Strips Studio de Leijer, Jeroen de Leijer Photography Yvonne Brandwijk, Shutterstock.com Translation Mandy Savage Production Alice Verleun, Soa Aids Nederland Printed by GTV DonMail, Oosterhout Produced with funding from ZonMw, RIVM Order at www.longlivelove.nl This student magazine is part of a teaching pack that includes a teacher's guide, films and the websites: www.longlivelove.nl and www.lesgevenindeliefde.nl (Dutch only). Fourth edition, English, 2020 © Soa Aids Nederland, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
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