About CSP The Cooperative Support Programme focuses on building the capacity of 100 cooperatives working in the value chains of maize, beans, Irish pota to and horticulture. This four year programme, funded by the Dutch Embassy in Rwanda, started in May 2013. Through training and coaching the programme enhanced these cooperatives to increase their farms rev enues. The total budget for this programme in Rwanda was €2.1 million. SPARK has developed in-depth training materials (Cooperative Management & Membership, Ac cess to Markets & Entrepreneurship, Access to -internal and external- Finance) for cooperatives, has a cadre of cooperative trainers and coaches who work closely with the cooperatives themselves, and is supporting other or ganisations working on strengthening these value chains and cooperatives. Business Development Services (BDS) is the second component of CSP and specifically focused on the agri-businesses and agri-cooperatives provided by high quality certified agri BDS professionals that are the key to transform Rwanda’s agriculture sector from sub sistence to a commercial viable sector. Component A Access to markets Component B Agri Business Development Services (AGRI BDS) Access to Finance and Entrepreneurship Cooperative Management and Financial Literacy Agri BDS Network Agri BDS Competition Agri BDS Course Independent Agri BDS providers 17

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