Sports 14 WATER SPORTS For water sports enthusiasts, Middelburg offers opportunities to explore the city by canoe or SUP board. Rent a rowboat, motorboat, or sailboat on the Veerse Meer to explore Middelburg and Arnemuiden from the water. The Vrijburgbad between Middelburg and Vlissingen welcomes swimmers of all levels. Whether you're an avid athlete or seeking relaxation, Middelburg offers the perfect sports activity for you. CYCLING AND HIKING Middelburg is the ideal starting point for cycling and hiking tours in the Walcheren landscape, with forests, dunes, and the sea nearby. Mountain bikers can explore a 16.4 km route, with 'De Belt' as a highlight, and extend their journey to Vlissingen or Veere. GOLFING Play golf at the De Zeeuwsche golf course with a 9-hole course and a par-3 course. The challenging course is accessible without a golf certificate, and there is an extensive driving range and putting green for practice. For more information about 'Sports in Middelburg,' visit the Middelburg Tourist Office or our website. Golfing: Paukenweg 1 M i d d e l b u r g
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