När Tove Jansson under 1940-talet skapade Mumin var det oklart om böckerna var skrivna för barn eller vuxna. I dag vet vi att Mumins beundrarskara består av personer i alla åldrar, och de uppskattas inte bara som historier i böcker eller på film utan också som designföremål. Pluto har gjort sin tolkning av Mumin i en serie produkter. When Tove Jansson during the 1940’s created Moomin, it was unclear whether the books were written for children or adults. Today, we know that the fans of the Moomins are represented by people of all ages. The Moomins are not only appreciated as stories in books or on film, but also as design pieces. Pluto has made its own interpretation of the Moomins in a number of products.

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