Where you belong!

“ Move & improve your health” WELCOME TO UM SPORTS! University sport is challenging and fun and gets you in touch with fellow students. UM SPORTS offers a varied and affordable programme in an international setting. Take part in group classes, work out in the gym or join an outdoor activity. Are you looking for team spirit and competition? Then you should become a member of a student sports association. Whether you want to work out for your health, to improve your condition, to relax, to release your energy or to meet friends, the possibilities are endless at UM SPORTS!

UNIVERSITY SPORTS CENTRE The main location of UM SPORTS is the University Sports Centre (USC). The USC consists of a modern and well-equipped gym, a major sports hall, two sports studios, a spinning studio, a body & mind studio, three squash courts and a climbing wall. At the front desk, you can ask all your questions or purchase a membership. Moreover, Sports Council MUSST and Sports Café Rivazza are located in the sports centre. You will also find the Learning Spaces where you can study by yourself or with your study mates before or after a workout! For a number of (outdoor) locations we use sports accommodations in and around Maastricht and we collaborate with the local sports clubs. “Meet & greet friends” OPEN 7 days/ week

SPORTS OFFER UM SPORTS offers several types of sports activities such as group classes and courses. Depending on the type of membership you choose, you can also use the gym, rent squash courts, purchase swim tickets and join a student sports association. Group classes and activities You can choose from a wide range of group classes and group activities that are guided by a sports instructor. Check the schedule and register beforehand (via the online reservation system) to ensure a spot in the class of your choice. Among others, you can choose from the following group classes and activities: Badminton Basketball Bouldering Body & Mind Mix Boxing Fit & Fun Outdoor Box-It Circuit Training Climbing ClubPower Core & More Dancehall Floorball Hatha Yoga HIIT Strength Karate Krav Maga Muay Thai Powerkick Power Yoga Soccer (indoor) Spinning Strength & Conditioning Super HIIT Table tennis Volleyball Workout Mix Zumba  You need a Sports membership to take part in these classes.

Courses In addition to group classes, UM SPORTS offers the following courses: Women on Weights, Olympic Weightlifting, Tennis, Squash and Start Climbing. Depending on the course, you can register with a Gym as well as a Sports and an All-in-one membership. There may still be a separate fee for participating in some courses. Reserving squash courts Three squash courts are available at the USC. With your UM SPORTS membership you can reserve a squash court without an additional fee. Purchasing swim tickets for the swimming pool At the USC you can purchase entrance tickets for the Geusseltbad swimming pool. The prices can be found on our website.

WELCOME TO THE UM SPORTS GYM! The University Sports Centre offers a modern gym with a comfortable and inclusive atmosphere. We have a wide array of Technogym equipment for both strength and cardiovascular training. Need help? Gym staff is always around to assist you. Get ready for a unique gym experience. OUR GYM STAFF is ready to meet with you during your first visit to secure a good start give you advice and helps you get the best out of your training can set an appointment with you for an individual training plan (extra cost) lead different group training sessions daily in which you can participate (at no extra cost) OPENING HOURS GYM Monday - Friday 07:00 am – 23:00 pm Saturday - Sunday 10:00 am – 20:00 pm

GYM FACTS 1000 m2 experienced staff, both students and professionals 132 cardio, resistance and functional training stations free weights and olympic platforms conventional and plate-loaded equipment, cable stations and much more

BECOME A MEMBER OF A STUDENT SPORTS ASSOCIATION Every SSA has its own memberships and prices. For up-to-date prices, you can contact the association of your choice or check out their website.  In order to become a member of an SSA, you also need a UM SPORTS membership (Sports or All-in-one). SSAs and UM SPORTS The SSAs provide the atmosphere and team spirit that make student sports so unique. UM SPORTS provides financial, facility and personnel support to the SSAs. SPORTS COUNCIL MUSST Sports council MUSST is the umbrella organisation of all SSAs. The MUSST board supports the SSA boards with help and advice, distributes subsidies and helps organising events. Do you want to develop management skills next to your studies? Become an active member of an SSA or Sports Council MUSST! SPORT, FUN, FRIENDSHIP Becoming a member of an SSA is the perfect way to exercise and make new friends! “I met some of my best friends and basically have the time of my life. It’s just the perfect combination of sport, fun and friendship.” 3rd year LAW student

30+ SSAs | 2500 ATHLETES STUDENT SPORTS ASSOCIATIONS AMERICAN FOOTBALL Wildcats www.maastrichtwildcats.nl ATHLETICS Uros www.uros.nl BADMINTON Heep www.msbcheep.nl BASKETBALL Maastricht Knights www.maastrichtknights.nl BOARDSPORTS Stoked Maastricht www.stokedmaastricht.com CHEERLEADING UM Cheerleading www.maastrichtuniversity cheerleading.com CLIMBING MaasSAC www.maassac.nl CYCLING / MOUNTAINBIKING Dutch Mountains www.dm-maastricht.nl DANCING Let’s Dance! www.msdvletsdance.nl ESPORTS Peritan www.mseaperitan.nl FENCING Mas Incontro www.masincontro.com FOOTBALL / FUTSAL DBSV Red Socks www.dbsvredsocks.nl GAELIC GAMES Maastricht Gaels www.maastrichtgaels.nl GOLF SGV Maastricht www.sgvmaastricht.nl GYMNASTICS Saturnus www.mstvsaturnus.nl HANDBALL Manos www.mshvmanos.com HOCKEY MSHC www.mshc.nl KARATE Kinran www.skvmkinran.nl KORFBALL Hippo’s www.mskvdehippos.nl LACROSSE Maaslax www.maaslax.com ROWING Saurus www.msrvsaurus.nl RUGBY Maraboes/Margrieten www.maastrichtrugby.nl SAILING Lagakari www.lagakari.nl SPIKEBALL Cactus Maastricht www.cactusmaastricht.wixsite. com/spikeball SQUASH Squash it up UM www.squashitup.com SWIMMING Tiburón www.mszvtiburon.nl TENNIS Stennis www.mstvstennis.nl TRIATHLON Ferro Mosae www.ferromosae.nl ULTIMATE FRISBEE Ultimaas www.ultimaas.nl VOLLEYBALL Fyrfad www.fyrfad.com WATERPOLO Waterproof Students www.waterproofmaastricht.nl/ en/waterproof-students CONTACT MUSST Office: University Sports Centre P. Debyeplein 15, 6229 HA Maastricht +31(0)43-3885341 musst@maastrichtuniversity.nl www.musst.nl Sportraad MUSST sportscouncilmusst

N What would you like to do? MEMBERSHIPS 1 O THE BEST OF EVERYTHING! OPEN 7 days/ week Choose a membership that fits you! L G - Y N M A L I - E

2 Choose the length of your membership REGULAR SEMESTER MONTH from the moment of registration to the end of the academic year (31 August) from the moment of registration to the end of the semester (31 January) from the moment of registration valid for one month 3 CONDITION FOR A MEMBERSHIP AT AN SSA Done! Visit the website for all current rates and member categories. UM SPORTS does not charge a registration fee and has no notice period. Are you a Staff member or other member category? Check our Sports for Staff webpage! The general terms and conditions are on the website. S P O R T S

ELITE SPORTS AND UM Are you a UM student, do you practice sports at a high level and do you have an acknowledged toplevel sports status? UM offers support to combine your studies with your high performance sport. This support can be tailored to your needs, within the limits of your study. This ‘support’ can consist of: adapted study programme, training accommodation, financial contribution and housing. What the support looks like for you, depends on your top-level sports status, among other things. For more information and applications: www.maastrichtuniversity.nl/topsport For questions mail to: umtopsports@maastrichtuniversity.nl

Extra facilities and services USC: Information and services desk Learning Spaces Sports café Rivazza Physiotherapy Work at UM SPORTS Looking for a part-time job? Come and work as a front desk employee, a supervisor or sports instructor. Check the website for vacancies! CONTACT UM SPORTS INFORMATION AND SERVICES DESK University Sports Centre P. Debyeplein 15 6229 HA Maastricht umsports@maastrichtuniversity.nl +31 (0)43-3885311 umsports um.sports OPENING HOURS Monday - Friday 07.00 - 23.00 hrs Saturday - Sunday 10.00 - 20.00 hrs www.maastrichtuniversity.nl/sports

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