With no compromise to challenge, risk-taking and exciting play value, we have developed items that can be used by a variety of different ages and abilities; from simple sensory Play Panels, Loud Speakers, Springers and the ever-popular Team Swing, to our highly engineered Inclusive Orbit roundabout and our unique electronic play system ‘i.play.’ Transfer platforms feature on many of our modular towers along with subtle use of aid rails and sight impairment step lines; unobtrusive yet vital for inclusive play. “Every Playdale product has an element of inclusive playground design, although some have stronger inclusive features than others. To make it easy, we have added an ‘Inclusive Design’ symbol on specific products throughout our catalogue and website” ALL children can develop the following from being in a playground environment: • Social skills • Imagination • Problem solving skills • Creativity • Sense of self • Sense of connection • Self care skills 11 Jukebox Plus Inclusive Access

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