As the creators of the original Timber Adventure Trail, we also offer a stainless steel trail. The modern and stylish range features play activities which have been tried and tested within our timber range. Coordination & Balance These skills learnt in early childhood relate to a child’s development of balance and the ability to coordinate movements so they can perform more complex physical activities. City Rubber Steps CSTP City Balance Beam CBBS 18 months - 6 years 0.3m x 0.3m x 0.2m 3.9m x 3.9m x 2.8m 0.2m x1 x1 0.5h / 2 18 months - 6 years 2.0m x 0.6m x 0.4m 5.6m x 4.2m x 2.8m 0.5m City Wobble Board CWBD x2 x3 1.0h / 2 City Wobble Board 18 months - 6 years 2.0m x 0.4m x 0.4m 5.8m x 4.3m x 2.8m 0.5m City Balance Beam Climbing & Crawling Children love to climb and these units test stability as well as being a challenging activity. City Mini Web CMWB City Web Traverse CWTR x2 x3 1.0h / 2 City Mini Web 3 - 14 years 2.4m x 0.7m x 1.5m 5.9m x 4.2m x 2.8m 0.95m x1 x2 2.0h / 2 3 - 14 years 3.7m x 0.2m x 2.5m 7.3m x 3.8m x 3.7m 0.8m 42 Adventure Trails x2 x6 2.0h / 2

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