PREFABRICATED PREFINISHED VOLUMETRIC CONSTRUCTION (PPVC) IN SINGAPORE design and production to achieve more time and cost savings. A research and development department was then set up in SoilBuild’s ICPH. It is an incubation centre of engineering design through harnessing digital technology and introducing automation and robotics in DfMA. According to their research, one potential improvement is the configuration of PPVC modules. Currently, the modules are configured by the Consultants according to the Architect’s design layout. The number of the module size is highly dependent on the layout configuration which determines the required number of precast mould for one project. SoilBuild’s proposed suggestion is through the ECI in the design stage, the PPVC manufacturers can provide a list of market available PPVC mould designs for the Consultants’ consideration in configuring the unit layout plan. The project team can mix and match or adopt the similarity from the available PPVC systems in customizing their PPVC modules. This will increase the recycling and reusing rate of the precast mould which will help in reducing the cost premium. Conclusion With the strong support in terms of monetary fundings, regulations and even reliefs during the COVID pandemic rendered from the Government to the adoption of DfMA and PPVC, the message is clear that Singapore’s construction industry is determined to transform to be an advanced and integrated sector. Significant demands for DfMA projects have been generated since the launch of the Construction ITM in 2017. More PPVC players have entered the market since then which has brought down the estimated cost premiums of adopting PPVC from the initial 15% to less than 8% before the pandemic. The key cost drivers have been identified and discussed in this paper. Comprehensive contractual frameworks for PPVC projects such as Early Contractor Involvement during the design stage and milestone payment scheme for off-site PPVC works have also been developed over the years to address the design and construction constraints highlighted in this paper. Whilst COVID inevitably slows down the progress of PPVC development and increases the cost premiums, and the adoption of PPVC is still imposing design and construction challenges to the project team, the industry players see the opportunity in harnessing the digital technology and robotics in PPVC to further reduce the construction time and increase cost savings. It is also believed that by adopting more innovation and gamechanging technologies in the built environment sector, it will attract and retain more local young talents in the industry. With the experiences gained and the lessons learnt from all the completed and on-going projects, it will certainly help to smoothen the implementation process for the built environment sector to reap the full benefits of DfMA and PPVC in the near future. This article is a summary of the a paper that is published on the DACE site. The link to the full paper use the QR code 00:0 9
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