COUNTRIES CONTENT BELGIUM The love of football wonderful moments at close hand. As General Secretary of UEFA, I saw teams battle it out against each other at the pinnacle of sporting competition. I felt the delight of the winners and the disappointment of the losers. But above all, I saw how much sport unites and brings people closer together. The beautiful sides to football which I have mentioned here can be seen not only at major international tournaments, but also on football pitches all over the whole world. As Chairman of Euro-Sportring, I can sincerely say that our tournaments are a fine example of this. Our tournaments have given their participants the opportunity to experience incomparable, international moments for over 50 years and to dream of winning the Champions League. Most importantly, our tournaments make sure that footballers from different countries meet each other. The basis for the new friendships which form on the football pitch is the love of football! Because that’s what all footballers have in common with each other, professional or amateur, young or old, male or female. NETHERLANDS GERMANY SPAIN 4 5 6 8 EURO-SPORTRING FOUNDATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS Gerhard Aigner/Switzerland Chairman Alfred Ludwig / Austria Treasurer Jim Stjerne Hansen / Denmark General Member Priscilla Janssens / Holland Gerenal Member ASSOCIATES OF MERIT Gerhard Aigner Chairman of Euro-Sportring Former General Secretary UEFA Honorary member UEFA Heinz-Peter Birkner Karel van Eersel Costantino Falsiroli Loek Frijns Wilfried Gobeyn Lis & Thomas Jensen Tony Kmoch Herman Korfmacher Diny Niemeijer Jos Quaden Maria Luigia Vignola Bernard Winter Barbara Buratti Peter Deseyn Isidor Held Euro-Sportring Javalaan 7 A-B NL-3742 CN Baarn The Netherlands Post Address: PO Box 78 NL-3740 AB Baarn The Netherlands 3

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