Om verder te lezen Adams, Arthur P: Faith and Works, Eagle, ID: Treasures of Truth, no date. Amelink, Herman: Paulus: de apostel en zijn evangelie. Kampen: Van den Berg, 1994. Anderson, Sir Robert: The Buddha of Christendom. A Book for the Present Crisis. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1899 [reprinted: Decatur, MI: Invictus, 1999]. Barclay, William: New Testament Words [Combining A New Testament Wordbook and More New Testament Words]. London: SCM Press, 1977. Bridges, Jerry: Genade. Het faillissement van de mens en de goedheid van God. Apeldoorn: Novapres, 1994. Bullinger, Ethelbert William: The Church Epistles (Romans to Thessalonians). Their Importance, Order, Inter-Relation, Structure, Scope, and Interpretation. Decatur, MI: Invictus 1997 [original edition 1905]. Bultema, Herman: Het wettig gebruik der wet (1 Tim.1:8). Muskegon, MI: Bereer Publishing Commission, 1922. --------Chains of Gold. Brief Notes on the Pastoral Epistles. Grand Rapids, MI: Grace Publications, 1976. Erskine, Thomas: The Unconditional Freeness of the Gospel: In Three Essays. Edinburgh: Edmonston and Douglas, 1870. ------- The Brazen Serpent, or Life through Death. Edinburgh: David Douglas, 1879. 157
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