their education to the end and change their lives. Cluster supervisors, principals and teachers who are closest to the first generation students testified the same and also added that the first generation students have not just continued their education but that they are academically excelling, active participants, confident and much better than those students in non-projects in every aspect. In this connection, Mohamed Demboba, Siraro cluster supervisors said as follows: In former project schools which we have taken over now, teachers practice better handling of students. They are very friendly to the children and encourage them to become active participants in learning. The students themselves have a lot of confidence in expressing themselves. The girls are also equal players. In non-project school teachers and students are not close to each other. Students are shy to speak to teachers and less confident. Teachers who are always directly in contact with their students were also asked about their observation on the level of confidence of students and also how much expressive of themselves they are in class. As demonstrated in figure 3 below, a big majority of the teachers (96.6%) witnessed that students in class are confident and express themselves. A small proportion (03.3%) however were not sure if the students are confident and expressive of themselves in class. Overall, the confidence level of the students and their expression capacity in class is affirmed by a huge proportion of the responding teachers indicating how much the project has enhanced the confidence and expression ability of students in the project schools. Fig.3. Did children in the project schools show confidence in expressing themselves in class? YES NO NO IDEA According to Abdurahman Buli Principal Senbete Lencho, The first generation children have sat for Ethiopian General Secondary School Leaving Examination at grade 10. There are 8 first generation children in grade 10 at Senbete secondary school. One of the first generation girl students called Amina Tuke stood 1st grade 10 during the first semester and that she has always been the best student in her school. 35

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