KERTO-RIPA FIRE PERFORMANCE Kerto-Ripa elements meet the high requirements regarding fire resistance. A Box element has a ‘natural’ resistance to fire: its bottom panel will burn up and the remaining open element is often sufficient to carry the loads (to be checked separately in each design). Additional panels under Box or open elements further increase the fire resistance. The specified thickness of the plaster panel is an initial indication. Ultimately, this will need to be determined per project in consultation with the supplier. Values have been specified for standard panels and for gypsum based panels. A fire retardant can be applied directly as well. KERTO-RIPA OPEN Non-protected Kerto-Ripa opened panels shouldn't be considered as load-bearing elements in fire situations. Hence, these elements require a additional protection (i.e. wood-based panels, plasterboards,..) 500 KERTO-RIPA BOX OR USPIDE DOWN REI30 400 Thickness of the under panel ≥ 22mm ribs ≤ 600mm (5 ribs / panel) For a rib height of ≥ 300mm rock wool is required in plenum 300 200 REI60 Thickness of the under panel 37mm ribs ≤ 600mm (5 ribs / panel) For a rib height of ≥ 300mm rock wool is required in plenum REI90 KERTO-RIPA OPEN BOX The graph and the pictures on the right show an example of a real test made on Kerto-Ripa Open Box floor elements with 2 plasterboards underneath and 100mm mineral wool inside. The 18 sensors highlighted the fact that up to 40 minutes almost nothing happened while the plasterboard and bottom panels protect the ribbed slab from fire. Then the insulation take another 40 minutes protection, supported by Kerto-S bottom flanges, and finally from 80 minutes the remaining Open element really starts charring. This test was manually stopped after 88 minutes. Built in consultation with the supplier 0 0 10 20 30 40 TIME (min) Protection by plasterboard Protection by rock wool End of test 50 60 70 80 90 100 Kerto-Ripa has been today extensively fire tested up to REI 90 ! More information to come. TEMPERATURE ( oC)
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