KERTO-RIPA EFFICIENT & HIGH-PERFORMANCE WOODEN BUILDING SYSTEM Fast, Light, Green All-in-one Various uses highlighted A range of wooden elements Gluing for efficiency Smart Prefabrication Industrial looks Fast on Site Fire Performance Thermal comfort and covering Focus on acoustic Sonans Eco Efficiency Design & BIM Span tables Mounting References 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 19 20 21 22
FAST Kerto-Ripa® combines the performances of Kerto LVL, the strongest and most advanced Engineered Wood Product, with a certified structural gluing technology, developed and implemented by Metsä Wood since the 90's. Kerto-Ripa wooden floor and roof elements are produced by off-site specialized companies all over Europe. Kerto-Ripa is an all-in-one high-performance prefab floor / roof element. With Kerto-Ripa spans of up to 24m, fire ratings up to 90 minutes and up to 75dB of airborne sound insulation are possible. Prefabrication means a quicker erection and a quicker return of capital. Actual projects have shown speeds up to 1000m2 per day using 2,4m x 16m Kerto-Ripa insulated and sealed box elements. Calculation and designing tools like Finnwood and Toolbox allow you to quickly design KertoRipa, fully compliant with EC5. LIGHT The lightness of Nordic premium spruce timber used to build Kerto-Ripa slabs allows architects, designers and engineers to imagine floors up to 15 meters, roofs up to 24 meters and to design elements 5 times lighter than standard concrete structures. The efficiency and optimized structures reduces the height of floors and roofs and offers savings in terms of foundations and lifting. As a result, adding storeys on existing buildings, long spans and cantilevers become possible. GREEN Metsä Wood is part of the 120.000 private forest owners cooperative called Metsäliitto. Sustainable development of our activities means that we carefully care of the 5 million hectares of forests that we manage, harvest, improve and use to process and bring the most advanced and ecological products to our customers in a very large range of applications. Naturally our mills are PEFC certified. Kerto-Ripa slabs help to design and build greener construction. KertoLVL production starts from Premium Nordic spruce logs which are conscientiously peeled, offering the best yield on raw material for a wood processed product. Moreover 1m3 of KertoLVL used in construction store sustainability 789Kg of CO2. Finally we have been implementing bioenergy towards our activities, geared towards industrial efficiency. Kerto-Ripa elements are an efficient and green application based on Kerto-LVL raw material that Metsä Wood supply to prefabricators. You can learn more on our sustainable activities here
KERTO-RIPA ALL-IN-ONE Kerto-Ripa floor and roof elements are used for new buildings and for renovation or transformation as well. They are applied in houses, apartments, expansion projects, schools, halls, offices and other commercial and public buildings. This innovative building system can be synchronized optimally to meet customers, architects or contractors requirements. The modular structure guarantees optimal fire resistance, comfort, safety, thermal and acoustic isolation at all times. PERFORMANCE Depending on the structure, Kerto-Ripa elements are suitable for spans from 4 to 24m This concept has a high added value and combines more than one function: o Load-bearing structure with a high stiffness and low vibration o Bracing o Allows cantilevers and accessible roofs o Flexible space for all kinds of installations o Air barrier: Kerto panels are highly airtight o Thermal and acoustical insulation compatible with highest standards o Fire resistance up to 90 minutes BUILDING TIME Fast and easy assembly due to the prefab construction. Prefabrication ensures uniform quality and a reduction in defect costs. The large element sizes enable easy covering of large areas. Up to 1000m2 per day. A quick covering of large areas keeps the building area below clean and dry. LIGHT IN WEIGHT The Kerto-Ripa elements are at least 5x lighter than concrete hollow-core slabs. Consequently lighter load-bearing frames and foundations are required. Lighter and cheaper building equipment, such as cranes, can be used. FLEXIBILITY Kerto-Ripa can be used in both wooden and hybrid constructions. It perfectly connects to basic wooden, masonry, concrete or steel structures. The length and performance can be synchronised with the customers, the architects, the structural engineers or the contractors requirements. Large holes (up to 70% of the rib height) can be made. Prefabrication allows many specific finishings and additions,i.e. insulation and sealings. ACOUSTICS The choice of sound insulating features, on top, inside or under the element is large. To improve acoustics within large spaces, Kerto-Ripa can be combined with Sonans. Kerto-Ripa consists of structural glued Kerto-LVL components and enables you to build wooden roof and floor elements with a very rigid structure. The certified gluing technology allows very large spans up to 24 meters for roofs and 15 meters for floors. Accessible roofs, cantilevers and other clever configurations are also possible. FINISHINGS Various ‘wet’ and ‘dry’ finishings can be applied to the floor and the roof elements. For example: anhydrite screeds,cement screeds or a floating floors made of fibre-reinforced plasterboard. Various types of fire resistant, acoustic and decorative ceilings can be fitted underneath.
KERTO-RIPA VARIOUS USES HIGHLIGHTED Kerto-Ripa elements proof their value daily in many buildings. In all projects below it has been chosen for different sets of specific reasons: lightness, big spans, cost efficiency, industrial looks and in all cases: they supports architectural freedom. See our references on the last pages. SPORTS HALLS SCHOOLS EXTRA STORIES SWIMMING POOLS OFFICES COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS HEALTH CARE CENTERS CONCERT HALLS APARTMENT COMPLEXES INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS SINGLE HOUSES FIRE STATIONS
KERTO-RIPA A RANGE OF WOODEN ELEMENTS Kerto-Ripa Open Light, strong, cost efficient and flexible, can be closed by wood panels or plasterboards for fire resistance or aesthetical issues, can easily be insulated with all kind of material either for acoustical or thermal performance. Holes and integrations can still be achieved on site if the slab is not completely finished and closed. Ideal for floors from 5 - 8m span or roofs from 10-15m either preferably for light and medium loads. Kerto-Q top panel Kerto-S ribs Kerto-Ripa Box Glued ribs with plates on top and bottom. Kerto-Ripa Box offers the most performing combination of stiffness, span, and small thickness. The Kerto plate underneath can bring up to 90 minutes fire resistance and visible look. Of course it can also be covered and insulation stays possible inside. Kerto-Ripa Box elements are often chosen for roof elements, but achieve also perfect results as a floor. Kerto-Q top panel Kerto-S ribs Kerto-Q bottom panel Kerto-Ripa Open Box Kerto-Ripa Open Box combines advantages of Kerto-Ripa Open and Box. This means gluing on both edges of ribs to reach a great rigidity, big spans and low height, still opened underneath to allow integrations. In Viikki (near Helsinki, Finland) 103 flats have been designed and erected, with those type of floor. Acoustical tests on site have emphasized the excellent behaviour of the complex reaching one of the highest European comfort standards. Kerto-Q top panel Kerto-S ribs Kerto-S flanges Kerto-Ripa Upside-Down Kerto-Ripa Upside-Down offers the same advantages than the Kerto-Ripa Open. The idea to put it upside-down allows fire resistance directly from the bottom Kerto-Q plate up to 90 minutes. Thus the Kerto can stay visible underneath and installation can be prefabricated or achieved on site. Either for floors or roofs, it can be closed with other standard panels. For residential uses we have tested compounds suitable with the highest acoustical requirements. Kerto-S ribs Kerto-Q bottom panel
KERTO-RIPA GLUING FOR EFFICIENCY Structural glued Kerto-LVL components have been developed at Metsä Wood in the 90’s and certified along the years by an European Technical Approval and extended by local approvals in Germany and France. Today several partners have been certified in Europe to offer a CE marked reliable solution for floors and roofs. But why deciding to glue Kerto-S ribs and Kerto-Q panels together? It is all about efficiency! The additional stiffness and strength that structural gluing brings to KertoLVL enable great spans and heavy loads, reducing the height of the elements compared to other common solutions. Moreover, Kerto-LVL based solutions are really efficient using less raw material compared to massive products owing to the excellent yield offered by peeled logs. Beams Kerto-S 45x300 + 22mm OSB : Kerto-Ripa with ribs Kerto-S 45x300 + panel top Kerto-Q 25mm : Kerto-Ripa with ribs Kerto-S 45x300 + panels top and bottom Kerto-Q 25mm : Screwed Equal strength and stiffness Glued deflection = 6,3 mm deflection = 2,7 mm deflection = 1,4 mm Comparison of deflections between simple screwed elements and glued Kerto-Ripa elements Less height = more space Structural gluing can bring 6 times more stiffness than screwing! Structural gluing can decrease volume by 3 ! Structural gluing reduces close to 2 times the height ! Comparison of heights between simple screwed elements and glued Kerto-Ripa elements
KERTO-RIPA SMART PREFABRICATION Prefabrication allows a lot of options according to project requirements and provides the benefit of an all-in-one solution. It results in a faster erection and a better quality of construction. Industrial construction becomes possible. GEOMETRY OF SLABS A Kerto-Ripa element is usually rectangular 1,8 / 2,4 x 24m max. This already offers a large variety of roof and floor plans. But in practice, if needed, the geometry can be adapted due to clever details. Larger widths, cantilevers, sloped elements, openings and other special cuttings are easily integrated. Cantilevers can be designed easily and be specific to each element INSULATION, CLOSING, COVERING AND SEALING Slopes can be integrated for roofs up to 10° In line with fire safety, acoustical and thermal requirements, Kerto-Ripa wooden elements can be flexibly insulated by all kinds of insulating mineral or natural wool, fibres or panels. It can be closed or covered by wooden, plaster or gypsum boards and sealed by temporary or final membranes. Vapour barriers can also be integrated as special details like downspouts are. Widths can be more than 2,40m owing to gluing if needed
KERTO-RIPA SMART PREFABRICATION LARGE FLOOR AND ROOF CAVITIES HOLES & INSTALLATIONS Usually there is a lot of space for piping, running longitudinally within the elements. It is important to include the systems at an early stage in the plans. It is easy to drill holes in the ribs for systems running crosswise. The influence of these holes can be calculated with the Finnwood software. The holes here can be up to a maximum of 70% of the height of the ribs. Usually this is not a problem, but it must always be checked by a structural engineer. The Kerto-Ripa elements are designed with a high level of flexibility. Thus holes can be easily made in floors (and roofs) where required without heavy auxiliary structural elements. Wider or double ribs can be applied where required in order to be able to suspend other elements. These other elements can often be attached onto the main beam using integrated pocket screws or joist hangers. Thereby, for example, a staircase cavity can be achieved easily. Example of an integrated staircase opening, without loose trimmer joists. SPECIAL SUPPORT AND CONNECTION DETAILS Here again clever details come into practice to resolve both building requirements or improve speed on site. Systems can be easily integrated in Kerto-Ripa. Cavities can be made horizontally as well as vertically in all kind of Kerto-Ripa Top panel support increases acoustical performances and simplifies erection. Air tightness and fire safety connection details can be prefabricated too.
KERTO-RIPA INDUSTRIAL LOOKS Each spruce veneer looks different, expresses a clear identity and reflecting a natural industrial DNA. The peeling of the logs reveals a heterogeneous texture giving a unique texture to your building. It is light and has a modern feel. The spruce Kerto-Q panels used for Kerto-Ripa are already sanded. After this we can drill, cut, or coat the visible side. Depending on aesthetic expectations, required performance and budget, each panel can be customized. The second part of this document contains a number of references illustrating some of the choices taken by architects and customers. Take time to look at it and wonder if you would like to see same or different kind of aspect in your projects. At the end it will be up to you. Perforation Ø10 #20 Perforation Ø20 #40 Slots 5 x 10/30 Millings 5 x 5 Whatever your expectations of the visual aspect are, the first function of a Kerto-Ripa element is a structural one. It is not trivial to keep the surface of the face veneer on the bottom face in a pristine state. This requires an adequate handling and protection against rain and UV on site. This must be kept in mind at all steps of a project and especially with the builder before erection.
KERTO-RIPA FAST ON SITE PRACTICAL ADVANTAGES The main work after craning consists of screwing the elements down Holes and installations can be integrated beforehand Temporary protections are highly recommended Spaces covered quickly can be finished faster Guard rails can be easily added before erection Speed up to 1000m2 erected per day and about 12-20 min per element with 3 workers
KERTO-RIPA FIRE PERFORMANCE Kerto-Ripa elements meet the high requirements regarding fire resistance. A Box element has a ‘natural’ resistance to fire: its bottom panel will burn up and the remaining open element is often sufficient to carry the loads (to be checked separately in each design). Additional panels under Box or open elements further increase the fire resistance. The specified thickness of the plaster panel is an initial indication. Ultimately, this will need to be determined per project in consultation with the supplier. Values have been specified for standard panels and for gypsum based panels. A fire retardant can be applied directly as well. KERTO-RIPA OPEN Non-protected Kerto-Ripa opened panels shouldn't be considered as load-bearing elements in fire situations. Hence, these elements require a additional protection (i.e. wood-based panels, plasterboards,..) 500 KERTO-RIPA BOX OR USPIDE DOWN REI30 400 Thickness of the under panel ≥ 22mm ribs ≤ 600mm (5 ribs / panel) For a rib height of ≥ 300mm rock wool is required in plenum 300 200 REI60 Thickness of the under panel 37mm ribs ≤ 600mm (5 ribs / panel) For a rib height of ≥ 300mm rock wool is required in plenum REI90 KERTO-RIPA OPEN BOX The graph and the pictures on the right show an example of a real test made on Kerto-Ripa Open Box floor elements with 2 plasterboards underneath and 100mm mineral wool inside. The 18 sensors highlighted the fact that up to 40 minutes almost nothing happened while the plasterboard and bottom panels protect the ribbed slab from fire. Then the insulation take another 40 minutes protection, supported by Kerto-S bottom flanges, and finally from 80 minutes the remaining Open element really starts charring. This test was manually stopped after 88 minutes. Built in consultation with the supplier 0 0 10 20 30 40 TIME (min) Protection by plasterboard Protection by rock wool End of test 50 60 70 80 90 100 Kerto-Ripa has been today extensively fire tested up to REI 90 ! More information to come. TEMPERATURE ( oC)
KERTO-RIPA THERMAL COMFORT AND COVERING In Finland, where winters are of the coldest in Europe, we have of course been taking in consideration how to insulate buildings against low temperatures. The cavities of Kerto-Ripa slabs can be partly or fully filled with insulation material. This normally ranges between 100mm and 400mm of insulation, depending on the type of insulation material, the architects and engineers needs to comply to local regulations and their drive to build efficient and green buildings. In Central Europe roofs are often designed as “warm roofs” with the main part of the insulation above the slabs. As a rule of thumb 1/3 of the total thermal resistance is put inside the cavities and 2/3 on top. With the help of specialist engineers, able to analyse the roof components utilizing a dynamic modelling software, you will be free to design customized solutions. The choice of connection details and type combined with the position of a vapour barrier is also essential. Temporary weather protections are highly recommended and can be applied on demand. A large scale of covering are possible. Green roofs, PV roofs and accessible roofs are also allowed with appropriate materials and details. (d) Example of a cold roof solution with added concrete tiles for use as a roof terrace (e) Example of a warm roof solution with added concrete tiles for use as a roof terrace (f) Example of a green roof solution (a) Example of a simple cold roof solution (b) Example of a simple warm roof solution (c) Example of a warm roof solution with roof tiles
KERTO-RIPA FOCUS ON ACOUSTIC Acoustic quality becomes a major challenge for terraced houses or apartments. The results from the World Health Organization (WHO) “Lares” Survey about European housing carried out in 2002-2003 show that neighbour noise is a health problem. R'w - Weighted Apparent Sound Reduction Index - a single number rating of airborne sound insulation between rooms, over a range of frequencies - field measurement. L'nT,w - Weighted Standardized Impact Sound Pressure Level - single number quantity used to characterize the Impact Sound Insulation of floors, based on on-site measurement of L'nT REQUIRED AIRBORNE SOUND INSULATION BETWEEN DWELLINGS DnT,w - Weighted Standardized Level Difference REQUIRED IMPACT SOUND INSULATION BETWEEN DWELLINGS As Finland requires one of the highest level in Europe… …our Kerto-Ripa elements are based on the highest requirements ! Data from Birgit Rasmussen, SBi Danish Building Institute, Aalborg University. Published in Applied Acoustics, no° 71-2010 with the title „Sound insulation between dwellings – Requirements in building regulations in Europe‟, pages 373-385. (study carried and verified out in 2008)
KERTO-RIPA FOCUS ON ACOUSTIC KERTO-RIPA TESTED ON SITE An housing program of 103 flats was built and tested in Viikki (near Helsinki). Only 2 plasterboards underneath, 100mm mineral wool inside and 20mm high density rock wool + 50mm concrete screed on top enable to reach the highest standards. Clever details like the top slab connection between dwellings brings a better behaviour regarding low frequency vibrations. Dry pre-casting prefab on Kerto-Ripa has also been tested recently bringing faster erection and excellent results. KERTO-RIPA UPSIDE DOWN TESTED IN LABORATORY Kerto-Ripa Upside-down can bring you fire safety and a visible aspect underneath without compromising on the acoustical performance. On the opposite, a high level of prefabrication is possible staying dry, installing gravel and mineral wool inside and closing the slab on top by a wooden panel interposing acoustical buffering. This is a perfect example of an all-in-one solution. Flats in Viikki, Finland. Exterior and interior section. Kerto-Ripa upside-down with rubber blocks to support floating top panels Results of on-site tests : Airborne noises : D’nT,A > 55dB Impact noises : L’nT,W < 53 dB More information on acoustical test results are available from Metsä Wood. Results of tests made in laboraty : Airborne sound insulation: Rw+C > 59dB up to 67dB Impact sound insulation: Ln,w < 55dB down to 47dB
KERTO-RIPA SONANS Kerto-Ripa Sonans roofing elements are used to span large open spaces in new buildings as well as renovation projects. Swimming pools, theatres, schools, halls, offices and other commercial or public buildings are created this way. The perforated underside, together with the acoustic insulation, improves the acoustic comfort in the room and provides a warm and clear aesthetic. The perforated Kerto underside has a standard perforation of Ø10mm on a grid of 20x20mm² and is built-up of segments of 2400x595mm. Other dimensions, perforations or even slots are possible. Each panel is delivered with a chamfered edge all the way round, a membrane on the back, and if you wish, a colour on the surface. Fire class B requirement? We offer you a certified solution with a B,s1-d0 fire retardant. ACOUSTICS The perforations in the underside allow a sound absorption coefficient of 0,75 (class C). The exact absorption curve, an example of which is shown below, depends on the chosen design and pattern. Contact us for available reports. Bottom view of a Kerto-Ripa Sonans element 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 125 250 500 1000 Frequency f (Hz) 2000 4000 Absorption αs
KERTO-RIPA ECO EFFICIENT SUSTAINABILITY In comparison to most other construction materials, sustainably produced timber uses less raw material and energy. It stores CO2 and contributes directly to the reduction of global climate change. Wood is furthermore the only renewable raw construction material in the world of construction. Wooden structures are also lightweight (about one fifth of the weight of concrete) and therefore require only lightweight foundations. Direct storage KERTO LIFECYCLE Kerto is produced from trees in sustainably managed forests (all wood used by Metsä Wood is PEFC certified). It is produced in modern factories, which run on their own by-products. Kerto is a high quality material that can be used several times during its lifecycle. Kerto-Ripa elements can also be disassembled and used for a second or third time in another project. This product is perfectly tuned into the mindset associated with a circular economy. The high strength and rigidity, and the possible variations on the basic element make it that a Ripa element can be used for many purposes. Kerto-Ripa is highly suited to the IFD (Industrial, Flexible, Demountable) concept. At the end of its life the material that Kerto is made of can be easily incinerated. The bonding process of Kerto is such that the escaping gases when incinerated in an incineration oven are exactly the same as that of unprocessed wood. CO2 is released and will be stored again by the next generation of spruce trees. The ash is scattered on the forest floor as a fertiliser for the trees. And so the cycle is complete. Metsä Wood has carried out much research into the sustainability of its material and will gladly show you the hard figures behind this pretty picture. There is also a comprehensive LCA (Life Cycle Analysis) available. 1m3 wood Substitution effect 1.1 t CO2 0.9 t CO2 = 2 t CO2 Source: Dr A. Frühwald, University of Hamburg, Centre for Wood Science and Technology, October 2002 Another comparative study also provides a clear image: CO2-Emissions from different structural materials Concrete / steel Timber frame 0 100 200 CO2 (kg/m2) 300 400 CO2 EMISSIONS In figures: the production of 1m3 wood results in 1.1 tons fewer CO2 emissions than a comparable amount of steel, concrete or plastic. There is a further 0.9 ton of CO2 stored in the 1m3 of wood itself. The total saving when choosing wood is therefore together almost 2 tons of CO2!
KERTO-RIPA ECO EFFICIENT FORMALDEHYDE The elements are, to the largest extent, made from natural compounds. Wood has proven to influence the indoor environment favourably. The only regulated substance that is released is formaldehyde. We find formaldehyde everywhere in the air around us: In towns, in the country and at sea. By using glue and wood, Kerto also releases a certain amount of formaldehyde. Determined according to EN 717-1, the formaldehyde emitted by Kerto LVL falls far below the Class E1 requirement of ≤ 0.100 ppm and also fulfils the most stringent requirements in the world (≤ 0.030 ppm). The formaldehyde emission of Kerto LVL is approximately 0.016 ppm. Kerto LVL also has the M1 Finnish emission classification for building materials. BIO-BASED Bio-based Economy (BBE) is about the transition from an economy that runs on fossil fuels to an economy that runs on biomass as a raw material: from fossil-based 'to' bio-based '. In a biobased economy so it is about the use of biomass for non-food applications. These applications include components, chemicals, materials, transport fuels, electricity and heat. Transition thoughts as Kerto-Ripa has a strong base with the Finnish PEFC-certified forest. We can underline that KertoRipa is a bio based product and fits as a hand glove in a society were Assemble to Disassemble becomes a key position. CIRCULARLY ECONOMY Assemble to disassemble, Reduce-reuse-recycle-rewin, minimization of materialization. A circular economy is one that is restorative and regenerative by design, and which aims to keep products, components and materials at their highest utility and value at all times, distinguishing between technical and biological cycles*. Kerto building products understands the principles of a Circularly Economy. *Source : https://www.ellenmacarthurfoundation.org/circular-economy SERVICE CLASSES Kerto-Ripa elements fit the 1 and 2 environmental service classes, as specified in Eurocode 5. This relates to inside or outside shelters (i.e. no direct contact with rain). The product must be protected at all times against climatic influences by, for example, applying a protective coating. Temporary exposure to water is not a problem in exceptional circumstances as long as there are no long-term puddles on the element. The element should always be dried off afterwards. It is advisable to check the humidity level of the wood in the top panel after such exposure: it must remain below 15%. KERTO ENVIRONMENTAL PRODUCT DECLARATION (EPD) SUMMARY
KERTO-RIPA DESIGN & BIM PREDESIGN AND DESIGN TOOLS Metsä Wood provides handy online tools to determine the dimensions by yourself and get a precise and fast design. Kerto Tool box is a basic calculation tool which can really support you in the predesigning phase to choose the best building system. For more advanced calculations, download the Finnwood calculation software. Also discover our Span Tables on the next page. BUILDING INFORMATION MODELLING Effective co-ordination between design disciplines and communication of the design to the field is a constant challenge. Building Information Modelling (BIM) is driving a revolution in the construction industry. Digital engineering (BIM) goes beyond the planning and design phase of the project, extending throughout the building life cycle, supporting processes including cost management, construction management, project management and facility operation. Kerto Toolbox Finnwood Organised into BIM families, our key engineered wood product systems and solutions are all available and can be downloaded here.
KERTO-RIPA SPAN TABLES Large spans can be achieved using Kerto-Ripa roofing elements with a small height and a relatively light construction. More height advantage can be realized by placing installations between and through the joists. Panels can also be placed on the load-bearing beam whereby the forces are transferred purely via the top plate. In the table below you can easily read off which height you get given a specific span. PRE-DESIGN LOADS LIGHT Roofs Permanent Snow load 40 kg/m² 36 kg/m² LIGHT Floors Permanent Live load 70 kg/m² 150 kg/m² LOADS 60 kg/m² 72 kg/m² LOADS 90 kg/m² 250 kg/m² HEAVY 150 kg/m² 140 kg/m² BOX ELEMENTS HEAVY 240 kg/m² 400 kg/m² ROOFS (4 RIBS) PRE-DESIGN HEIGHTS AND SPANS FOR ROOF AND FLOORS, FOR OPEN AND BOX KERTO-RIPA ELEMENTS HEIGHT OF KERTO-RIPA (cm) Maximal spans 26 36 46 56 66 LIGHT 9,6 m 12,5 m 15 m 17,5 m 19,9 m COMBINED LOADS 8,7 m 12,3 m 13,7 m 15,9 m 18,1 m HEAVY 6,9 m 9,2 m 11,1 m 13 m 14,8 m FLOORS (5 RIBS) OPEN ELEMENTS Maximal spans HEIGHT OF KERTO-RIPA (cm) 23 33 43 53 63 LIGHT 5,4 m 7,9 m 9,7 m 11,2 m 12,7 m COMBINED LOADS 4,7 m 6,1 m 7,4 m 8,5 m 9,6 m HEAVY 4 m 5,6 m 6,8 m 7,8 m 8,8 m OPEN ELEMENTS Maximal spans ROOFS (4 RIBS) HEIGHT OF KERTO-RIPA (mm) 230 330 430 530 630 LIGHT 6,2 m 8,9 m 11,3 m 13,7 m 15,9 m COMBINED LOADS 5,5 m 8,0 m 10,2 m 12,4 m 14,4 m HEAVY 4,4 m 6,4 m 8,3 m 10,1 m 11,8 m FLOORS (5 RIBS) HEIGHT OF KERTO-RIPA (cm) BOX ELEMENTS Maximal spans 26 36 46 56 66 LIGHT 8,3 m 10,1 m 11,8 m 13,3 m 14,7 m COMBINED LOADS 6,3 m 7,7 m 8,9 m 10 m 11,1 m HEAVY 5,8 m 7,1 m 8,2 m 9,2 m 10,2 m
KERTO-RIPA MOUNTING RIB MOUNTING 1 The simplest support. Here, the element rests on the ribs. The rim joist only ensures stability. FLAT MOUNTING This smart solution enables integration in the main structure. Here the element hangs from the upper panel. This solution often drives the rib and panel dimensions of the Ripa element. RIB MOUNTING 2 A variation to the support above. Here, the element also rests on the ribs. This way the ribs have a longer support length than the previous option. A row of end beams ensures stability. RIM JOIST MOUNTING A hanging connection between the rim joist and the ribs can be used to attach the element onto the rim joist. This solution often drives the rib dimensions of the Ripa element. INTER-CONNECTION In order to guarantee equal deflections, adjoining Kerto-Ripa elements are inter-connected. Usually this is done using pocket screws. The specifications of the joints must be such that they meet structural, physical (vapour movement, any waterproofing) and fire proofing (prevent the ribs from burning) requirements. The tolerance must be taken into account here. The swelling and shrinking behaviour of the elements cannot lead to any hazardous tensions either. This is prevented by using proper specifications. A clearance of 2 to 3 mm between the elements is recommended. A clearance of 10mm is recommended if the edge beam and the side wall are not connected.
Images by: The Hurlingham Club The Hurlingham Club Racquet Centre , Fulham – UK David Morley Architects Roof | Kerto-Ripa Sonans | 13,5m span
Images by: Diesel Benelux Diesel Benelux HQ + showroom Amsterdam, The Netherlands Dedato ontwerpers en architecten Roof | Kerto-Ripa Open visible | 8m span Roof | Kerto-Ripa Box | 16m span
FMO office Espoo, Finland Helin & Co architects Floor + Roof | Kerto-Ripa Box | Span up to 7,80m
Images by: TETE EN L’AIR, Cécile Septet 15 new dwellings Paris, France Koz architectes Floors | Kerto-Ripa Open | 5,80 + 6,50m span 5.8m+ 6.5 m
103 flats in Viikki, Finland HMV Architects Floor + Roof | Kerto-Ripa Open | 6,30m + 7,50m span
Offices + House in Nantes, France Alter Smith architects Floor + Roof | Kerto-Ripa Open | 7,5m span Images by : ALTER SMITH
Images by: Eric Laurent Sports hall, Châteauneuf-sur-Charente, France Greenwich 0°0’13’’ Roof | Kerto-Ripa Open visible | Spans up to 15m
Images by: M. den Besten Velvelindehof 211 dwellings NL Beltman Architecten Floor | Kerto-Ripa Open | 5,8m span
Hostel Stayokay, The Netherlands Personal Architecture Floor | Kerto-Ripa Open | 5m span Images by: Ossip van Duivenbode
Images by: JPP Private Passive House “Carré 21” in Pouilly-en-Auxois, France Guillemin Architecture Roof + Floors | Kerto-Ripa Box and Open |10m span
Images by: Alexis Toureau 6 new dwellings on the roof of Paris, France Lair & Roynette Architectes Roof | Kerto-Ripa Open | 10m span
School Anatole France, Saint-Denis, France Fabienne Bulle & Associés architectes Roof | Kerto-Ripa Box visible | Spans up to 11m
Production hall for music instruments, Germany Schlagwerk Roof | Kerto-Ripa Open | 12m span
(c) Metsä Wood 05/ 2017
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