KERTO-RIPA FOCUS ON ACOUSTIC KERTO-RIPA TESTED ON SITE An housing program of 103 flats was built and tested in Viikki (near Helsinki). Only 2 plasterboards underneath, 100mm mineral wool inside and 20mm high density rock wool + 50mm concrete screed on top enable to reach the highest standards. Clever details like the top slab connection between dwellings brings a better behaviour regarding low frequency vibrations. Dry pre-casting prefab on Kerto-Ripa has also been tested recently bringing faster erection and excellent results. KERTO-RIPA UPSIDE DOWN TESTED IN LABORATORY Kerto-Ripa Upside-down can bring you fire safety and a visible aspect underneath without compromising on the acoustical performance. On the opposite, a high level of prefabrication is possible staying dry, installing gravel and mineral wool inside and closing the slab on top by a wooden panel interposing acoustical buffering. This is a perfect example of an all-in-one solution. Flats in Viikki, Finland. Exterior and interior section. Kerto-Ripa upside-down with rubber blocks to support floating top panels Results of on-site tests : Airborne noises : D’nT,A > 55dB Impact noises : L’nT,W < 53 dB More information on acoustical test results are available from Metsä Wood. Results of tests made in laboraty : Airborne sound insulation: Rw+C > 59dB up to 67dB Impact sound insulation: Ln,w < 55dB down to 47dB
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