KERTO-RIPA ECO EFFICIENT FORMALDEHYDE The elements are, to the largest extent, made from natural compounds. Wood has proven to influence the indoor environment favourably. The only regulated substance that is released is formaldehyde. We find formaldehyde everywhere in the air around us: In towns, in the country and at sea. By using glue and wood, Kerto also releases a certain amount of formaldehyde. Determined according to EN 717-1, the formaldehyde emitted by Kerto LVL falls far below the Class E1 requirement of ≤ 0.100 ppm and also fulfils the most stringent requirements in the world (≤ 0.030 ppm). The formaldehyde emission of Kerto LVL is approximately 0.016 ppm. Kerto LVL also has the M1 Finnish emission classification for building materials. BIO-BASED Bio-based Economy (BBE) is about the transition from an economy that runs on fossil fuels to an economy that runs on biomass as a raw material: from fossil-based 'to' bio-based '. In a biobased economy so it is about the use of biomass for non-food applications. These applications include components, chemicals, materials, transport fuels, electricity and heat. Transition thoughts as Kerto-Ripa has a strong base with the Finnish PEFC-certified forest. We can underline that KertoRipa is a bio based product and fits as a hand glove in a society were Assemble to Disassemble becomes a key position. CIRCULARLY ECONOMY Assemble to disassemble, Reduce-reuse-recycle-rewin, minimization of materialization. A circular economy is one that is restorative and regenerative by design, and which aims to keep products, components and materials at their highest utility and value at all times, distinguishing between technical and biological cycles*. Kerto building products understands the principles of a Circularly Economy. *Source : SERVICE CLASSES Kerto-Ripa elements fit the 1 and 2 environmental service classes, as specified in Eurocode 5. This relates to inside or outside shelters (i.e. no direct contact with rain). The product must be protected at all times against climatic influences by, for example, applying a protective coating. Temporary exposure to water is not a problem in exceptional circumstances as long as there are no long-term puddles on the element. The element should always be dried off afterwards. It is advisable to check the humidity level of the wood in the top panel after such exposure: it must remain below 15%. KERTO ENVIRONMENTAL PRODUCT DECLARATION (EPD) SUMMARY
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