KERTO-RIPA ECO EFFICIENT SUSTAINABILITY In comparison to most other construction materials, sustainably produced timber uses less raw material and energy. It stores CO2 and contributes directly to the reduction of global climate change. Wood is furthermore the only renewable raw construction material in the world of construction. Wooden structures are also lightweight (about one fifth of the weight of concrete) and therefore require only lightweight foundations. Direct storage KERTO LIFECYCLE Kerto is produced from trees in sustainably managed forests (all wood used by Metsä Wood is PEFC certified). It is produced in modern factories, which run on their own by-products. Kerto is a high quality material that can be used several times during its lifecycle. Kerto-Ripa elements can also be disassembled and used for a second or third time in another project. This product is perfectly tuned into the mindset associated with a circular economy. The high strength and rigidity, and the possible variations on the basic element make it that a Ripa element can be used for many purposes. Kerto-Ripa is highly suited to the IFD (Industrial, Flexible, Demountable) concept. At the end of its life the material that Kerto is made of can be easily incinerated. The bonding process of Kerto is such that the escaping gases when incinerated in an incineration oven are exactly the same as that of unprocessed wood. CO2 is released and will be stored again by the next generation of spruce trees. The ash is scattered on the forest floor as a fertiliser for the trees. And so the cycle is complete. Metsä Wood has carried out much research into the sustainability of its material and will gladly show you the hard figures behind this pretty picture. There is also a comprehensive LCA (Life Cycle Analysis) available. 1m3 wood Substitution effect 1.1 t CO2 0.9 t CO2 = 2 t CO2 Source: Dr A. Frühwald, University of Hamburg, Centre for Wood Science and Technology, October 2002 Another comparative study also provides a clear image: CO2-Emissions from different structural materials Concrete / steel Timber frame 0 100 200 CO2 (kg/m2) 300 400 CO2 EMISSIONS In figures: the production of 1m3 wood results in 1.1 tons fewer CO2 emissions than a comparable amount of steel, concrete or plastic. There is a further 0.9 ton of CO2 stored in the 1m3 of wood itself. The total saving when choosing wood is therefore together almost 2 tons of CO2!
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