Over Eefje Rondeel Dr. Eefje Rondeel (1982) werkt als zelfstandig docent voor verschillende onderwijsinstellingen en is als gastdocent verbonden aan de Radboud Universiteit. Vanuit NOBCO is ze redactielid van het e-magazine en tevens betrokken als co-promotor bij het dissertatieonderzoek naar effectieve bestanddelen van coaching. Samen met sociaal psycholoog Pieternel Dijkstra schreef ze het boek Evidence-based Coachen. Ladegård, G. (2011). Stress management through workplace coaching: The impact of learning experiences. International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching & Mentoring, 9(1), 29-43. NIP(2020). Whitepaper burn-out. Meer dan een individueel probleem. Geraadpleegd op 8 februari 2023, van https://psynip.nl/wp-content/ uploads/2022/04/NIP_whitepaper_BurnOut_oktober2020.pdf NOBCO (2020). NOBCO Benchmark 2020/2021. Geraadpleegd op 14 december 2022, van https:// www.nobco.nl/onderzoek/kennisbank/benchmark-coaching. Gebruikte bronnen: Dyrbye, L. N., Shanafelt, T. D., Gill, P. R., Satele, D. V., & West, C. P. (2019). Effect of a professional coaching intervention on the well-being and distress of physicians: a pilot randomized clinical trial. JAMA internal medicine, 179(10), 1406-1414. Ene, C. U., Ugwuanyi, C. S., Ejimonye, J. C., Ani, M. I., Eneogu, N. D., Ikeh, F. E., ... & Nwachukwu, V. N. (2021). Effects of rational emotive occupational health coaching on work stress among academic staff of science and social science education in Nigerian universities: A randomised trial evaluation. Medicine, 100(34), e26963. McGonagle, A. K., Schwab, L., Yahanda, N., Duskey, H., Gertz, N., Prior, L., ... & Kriegel, G. (2020). Coaching for primary care physician well-being: A randomized trial and follow-up analysis. Journal of occupational health psychology, 25(5), 297. Grover, S., & Furnham, A. (2016). Coaching as a developmental intervention in organisations: systematic review of its effectiveness and the mechanisms underlying it. PloS one, 11(7), e0159137. Nwokeoma, B. N., Ede, M. O., Nwosu, N., Ikechukwu-Illomuanya, A., Ogba, F. N., Ugwoezuonu, A. U., ... & Nwadike, N. (2019). Impact of rational emotive occupational health coaching on work-related stress management among staff of Nigeria police force. Medicine, 98(37), e16724. Ogba, F. N., Onyishi, C. N., Victor-Aigbodion, V., Abada, I. M., Eze, U. N., Obiweluozo, P. E., ... & Onwu, A. O. (2020). Managing job stress in teachers of children with autism: A rational emotive occupational health coaching control trial. Medicine, 99(36), e21651. Solms, L., Van Vianen, A., Koen, J., Theeboom, T., De Pagter, A. P., & De Hoog, M. (2021). Turning the tide: a quasi-experimental study on a coaching intervention to reduce burn-out symptoms and foster personal resources among medical residents and specialists in the Netherlands. BMJ open, 11(1), e041708. TNO (2020). Factsheet week van de werkstress 2020. Geraadpleegd op 14 december 2022, van https://wp.monitorarbeid.tno.nl/wp-content/ uploads/2020/11/Factsheet-Week-van-dewerkstress-2020.pdf 29

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