OUR SUPPLIERS Our carriers Transport is key to our proposition and forms a significant part of the final cost of our plants. That is why we also maintain strategic partnerships with carriers which often go back many years. Our delivery performance with customers is crucial to our success and is measured weekly. Over the past five years, we have been able to achieve a significant improvement in ontime delivery. In addition, transport claims have dropped by almost 50 per cent since 2017. We are proud that several of our carriers have calculated their ecological footprint and invest in sustainable logistics. And we are also honoured that more and more trucks on European roads carry the message 'Let's plantify the future. Together.' E , we organise an event for our suppliers during which we share our strategy and ideas for making the sor more sustainable. It was no different in 2021. We also worked with several carriers to calculate their carbon footprint. See page 36. , s 30
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