Positive Plants 4 key themes Our sustainability policy focuses on four overarching themes: climate, biodiversity, natural resources and working conditions in the supply chain. These key themes are linked to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In this annual report, we address the themes of climate and natural resources. For climate, we focus on our carbon footprint, while for natural resources, we concentrate on our packaging and substrate strategies. In a circular economy, the raw materials cycle is closed — components and products lose minimal value and are recycled to the greatest extent possible. Take our plant trays as an example. We want them to be reusable by 2030. As an intermediate step towards reusable packaging, 100% of our packaging material is now registered. 34 B o i i d t v a e m r i i s l t C y N n a o t i u i t r d a n l o r c e s g o n u k i r c r e o s W s e

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